Chapter 8- Surprise Hang Out

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Over the next week, Taehyung and Jimin had been planning their outfits. They already had bought everything they needed, but they planned their makeup and accessories. And to say the least, they were amazing. The way that the outfits complimented each other, and the two boys just looked flat out adorable.

It was currently Friday and Taehyung was sitting in class, daydreaming about random things. Miss Son was talking about their portrait drawing that was officially due in three  weeks. He still didn't know who he was going to draw. He was thinking about drawing Jimin because he saw him all the time, and he knew the older would agree. But on the other hand, his mind had floated to Jungkook. He would be lying if he didn't find the younger attractive, and he had an adorable smile. Yet, he also thought of drawing Bogum. He and Bogum had been trying to find a day for him to visit Tae, but he wasn't sure when that would be, and Taehyung didn't wanna plan on something that he wasn't sure would work out.

Taehyung was drawn from his thoughts when his phone buzzed. He had gotten a text from Jungkook. Taehyung knew Miss Son wouldn't care if he had his phone out because he was ahead of the class.

*Texting Conversation*
Jeon Jungkook

Hey TaeTae

Uh, hi?

What's up?

Just got out of class
How about you?

Still in class, I only have
20 minutes to go

Omg I'm sorry,
I'll text you later

No, it's fine

Nonono, focus on class,
I'll text you when your class is over

I'll be waiting, haha

You know what, wanna maybe,
Hang out?

Yeah sure, I'd love to

Yay alright!
I'll pick you up from your building

Pick me up?

You'll see, haha
I just need your building number

Uh, ok. My building is A-10

Really? That's right next to mine!
I'll be waiting for you

Sounds good Jungkook, seeya soon!



Taehyung put his phone back in his hoodie pocket and paid attention to what was going on in class.

After his class was over, he packed his things and started to head out of the classroom, but was stopped by Mina calling him.

"Hey Tae, what's the rush? Can't even walk out of the classroom with me?" Mina chuckled and slung her bag over her shoulder. Taehyung stopped walking and turned to Mina.

"Sorry, Jungkook is waiting for me". Mina raised her eyebrow.

"Jungkook? You've really been spending a lot of time with him lately." Mina walked towards Taehyung and crossed her arms. "You should really be careful around him, Tae. He could get you into trouble." Taehyung was a bit shocked by Mina's statement. Jungkook was always really nice, he couldn't see what she meant by that.

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