Chapter 1

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Jennie Kim.

My peaceful sleep was disturbed by a light peck on my neck. I groaned and opened my eyes slowly. My eyes landed on my wife who was laying beside me with her hands wrapping around my waist

"You're home..." I stretched my body and said groggily

"I have already take a bath, you are sleeping soundly..." She said softly and that's when I noticed her wet hair

"Oh sorry, I'm just tired today"

"Why are you only wearing lingerie? You looks sexy...." She said as looked at my body with those lustfully eyes before placed a soft kiss on my neck again

"You want to have sex?" I calmly asks as bitting my lips trying to hold my moan while grabs the back of her head

"Umm yes, it's been a week since your period but the maids told me you have a headache because Ella's condition is down again today? Is she okay?" She worriedly asks and stopped kissing me as looked up at me

"I already sleep for an hour, my headache is okay now and yes Ella condition is bad today. I get a headache because crying too much. Wait a minute Lisa I'll take a shower first..." I said as pressing my cheek against her forehead

"No Jennie, you can rest... I will visit Ella tomorrow. I told you to take her to stay here with us, so you can take care of her easier.." She said as snuggled deeper into my neck

"This house is too big Lisa and we didn't stay at home the whole day. It would feels lonely for Ella. In my father house, Ella friends can visit her every weekend to play with her, so it much better if she's stayed there.." I murmured as stroking her hair


"You had dinner? How's work today? I'm sorry I didn't come to office.."

"Not yet. And work today as usual there is nothing different..."

"I'll make something to eat..."

"Honey, I don't have the appetite, I want...ugh forget it! Let's sleep" She stuttered out as sighing quietly

"I will take a bath first, okay.. Wait here.." I said as let go of her then get out of the bed, walk to bathroom

"Okay but Jennie, don't change that lingerie. I like it...~" She grinned as smirked teasingly

"Hmpp...." I hummed as made my way to the bathroom and closed the door

People always say that we could be having better sex, a better orgasm, rather than a better relationship. As you knew we are married without love even in an agreement not to fall in love. At first of our marriage life, we did not do this, we just married, live and sleep together without physical touch, but this happened when one night Lisa was drunk, I know she was not aware of what she was doing that time and I can't stop her either because she is my wife and we ended up doing sex for the first time like normal married couple. We have been forced by our own feelings of wanting to fulfill and be fulfilled by each other body for our desires. And for me, since I was little, I always have a dream of being a good, caring, and loving wife for my family and yes I make myself a good wife for Lisa because she is not only my wife, she also become my friend this past year, she always listen to me patiently about Ella and everything, supports me mentally and financially for Ella recovery, I have spent a lot of her money to pay Ella bills but she never complaining about it even once so I feel like I have to give her a payback for that. I work as Lisa secretary, the same as she did to me, I always support her, watching over her and help her on the work, that was also my father-in-law command. Lisa father always control her like a robot, because for him, Lisa is a clumsy person in making decisions also she had a bad temper dealing with people

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