Chapter 33

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Lalisa Manoban.

Jennie was silent through our walk to the meeting room and I could feel how pissed she is with me, looked at how she walks faster than me when she usually walk beside or behind me together with Mr. Cha as my secretary. I can't blame her because it might be my fault too to talk about another woman intentionally just to make her jealous, I shouldn't do that, I should make her feel she is the only one especially we are not in the good term now, even if is not my fault at the first place because she said she not the type of jealous woman I should never underestimate the power of my wife, I should knew she has the ability to make anything my fault and I thought that a world war is about to start right now.

"Jennie..." I tried to talk with her but I was ignored

"I'm so sorry..."

My words fell on a deaf ears, I was being ignored by her for the hundredth time and when we have reached to the room. I told Mr. Cha to give us some privacy to talk for a while before the meeting started, we stepped inside the room and I immediately closed the door and locked it.

"Jennie.. Will you fucking listen to me?!" I said as looked at her firmly. I was not yells but it was loud enough to make her heard and stop walking

"What???" She finally answered me for the fucking hundredth time that I tried to talk with her since this morning but she didn't bothered to respond me even just once

"Are you jealous? Why are you ignoring me like this right now?" I asked as huffing and shook my head frustratingly

"No...!! I don't feel good so stop talking or asks me anything..." She replied annoyingly with that death look as sitting down

I was nervous as I took a step to approached her. I take a seat beside her slowly while took a deep breath I turned the chair that she sit on to make her look at me

"I thought you said you were not a kid and won't jealous for stupid reason. But look at you now. You are not better than me Nini.." I said teasingly as pinched her chin playfully

"I said I'm not jealous..." She said denied

"You are honey, and why are you so cute when you're jealous??" I said smiling as teasing her

"I told you I just don't feel good..." She said as rolled her eyes while huffed loudly

"Come here.." I said as got up from the chair while guided Jennie to stood up with me. I grabs Jennie by the hips and lifted her body forcefully to make her sit on the long conference table

"L-lisa.. W-what are you doing. We have a meeting..." She stuttered out in shock

"I don't care with the meeting nor we are in public. All I care now is I want to make my jealous wife feel good..." I said smiled mischievously as standing between her legs and did y'all know its an awesome position to be intimate

"You are silly Mano-..."

I sealing my lips onto hers before she even finished speak, she groaned but instantly responded and kissing me back. I lick the tip of Jennie bottom lips to feel the wet sensation throughout my tongue while my hands wandered from her hips down to her thighs, squeezing it gently, rubbing my palms along her bare skin softly. The kiss was soft for only seconds before it became wild. Jennie gasped at the feeling when I slid my tongue inside her without her permissions. I began sliding my tongue against every inch of her mouth causing her moaned against my lips. I sucked Jennie tongue and lips with so much want as brought one of my hands up to her face, tracing her jawline with my finger. Jennie hands snaked around my shoulder up to the back my head while kissed me back aggressively. My other hand still gripping on her thigh, along with our lips danced together in perfect rhythmically I could felt her warm breath reaching mine and mingling inside each others mouth, only to escape for much needed air. After awhile the kiss became slower and more sensual. Jennie slowly brought her hands and cupped my face, she parted our lips slowly and began to plants a soft kiss around my chin to my jawline then up to my ear.

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