Chapter 31

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Author Pov.

"Mrs. Manoban"


Lisa blinked, turning and halting the movements of her chair, she realized she had been zoned out during the meeting.

"We-we were wondering if you'd be willing to share any thoughts or comments about the presentation?"

Lisa smiled at her colleagues and standing on her feet placing her hand on the top of the table

"That's was wonderful presentation but for my own satisfaction, I'd like to review the content and information and make sure everything is finalized within the months. And I'm sorry that I have to cut this meeting now,  I have other business. I'm sorry towards all of you for making the time to meet with me today and we will revisit this issue in a few weeks. Thank you for your time" Lisa said firmly and walked off

All of her fellow colleagues watched her while they stood in confusion or possible disapproval with Lisa unprofessional behavior even Jennie look so nervous on her chair because it was an important meeting, everyone that had ever been involved in the success of MNB Company was already here around the large conference table in Lalisa Manoban office including her dad but she didn't bothered to care, Lisa just couldn't work, she couldn't focus, she is in a mess, she wasn't going to get any work done today. It was hard to describe what she felt right now, feeling hurt, betrayed, and desperate. She may or may not fully understand what's the reason Jennie want to chased her career in Paris when she can do it here in Seoul and stay with her. Is there something or maybe nothing she can do to make her wife changes her mind.

"Mrs. Manoban, your guest arrived and is waiting for you at your reserved table"

"Thank you" Lisa said as approaching the table and the woman immediately stood.

"Kim Jisoo?"

Lisa raised an eyebrow and smiled at the sight of her, she trailed her eyes over the beautiful face and perfect features of the woman, she's pretty.

"Are you Mrs. Manoban?" Jisoo asks politely

"Yes and just call me Lisa. Jisoo-sii. Thank you for coming and nice to meet you.." Lisa said smiled sweetly before taking a seat in front of her

"It's my pleasure Lisa..." Jisoo said smiled back prettily

"Hmm.. I'm sorry before, but I want to let you know that I'm here not to interfere in my wife's business, I just want to know what work you offer her in France, Jisoo-ssi.." Lisa says politely

"Okay Lisa, so actually I am Jongin friend, we were a friend when we studied together in London, do you know about him? A month ago Jongin told me that your wife is so talented in fashion and her sense of fashion is good and high so I looked for some of her profile on internet and because she is one of the famous billionaire wife in Seoul, it is not difficult to finds her photos on there and I admitted it her outfits is wonderful and her fashion taste is good"

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