Chapter 21 (M)

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Jennie Kim.

Lisa roamed her hands around my body, travelled from my waist up to my shoulder as pulling me closer to her. I wrapped my hands around her neck and gripping on it while exploring each other lips with intense and passionate kiss. My wife slipped her tongue into my mouth when I allowing her to while her hands going up and down on my back. I closed my eyes feeling the touch of her fingers when she started to snaked her hands inside my shirt, I could felt the pleasure inside me rising with every touch of my wife fingers and it's take a second after she suddenly disconnected our lips

"Wait?" She said as pulled away while panting for some air. I looked at her confusedly

"What? You don't want to have-"

"The baby. We can't do this.." She cut me off causing me can't hold myself but laughs at her

"I swear Lisa. You are easy to fool.." I said as shook my head

"What do you mean? You told me we can't have sex when you're pregnant right?" She asked in confusion

"I lied. The doctor just advise me not to have sex before 10 weeks of my pregnancy but now I'm 11 weeks alr. So umm.. We-we can.." I uttered shyly

"Aisshhh~~ You're so mean!!" She cussed and pushed me onto the bed and straddled on my waist as sealing her lips on mine harshly while her hands skillfully roamed all over my body. After a while she pulled away the kiss and without waiting any longer, she quickly sitting up and tugging my shirt over my head while her eyes staring at my body

"You're still so goddamn beautiful even if you're gain some weight.." She whispered. It had been so long since she had seen my naked body and I could see that brown eyes stared at me with flaming gaze filled with so much want and lust.

"Are you saying that cause I'm going to let you have sex with me?" I said frowned

"No. You are really more beautiful and glowing with my baby inside you Nini.." She said smiling sweetly

"I want you so bad. I need you Nini..." She whispered as leaned back and placed a kiss on my neck. I closed my eyes when she brought her hands to my chest, squeezing my breast in such a delicious way

"Then.." I breathe out "Make me yours" I whispered in sensual voice

Lisa captured my lips again, the kiss was intense , with desire her tongue sliding over my mouth while her hands slowly slipped under my back, unclasping my bra and threw it on the floor leaving my breast fully bare. Lisa held one with each hand and pinched my nipples with her fingers, I closed my eyes as soon as I felt Lisa lips on my breast licking over my nipple playfully

"Lili...." I moaned out as looked at her who sucked my nipple hungrily making my body feel weak

Lisa didn't stop at there, she started to run her hands down to my entrance, slowly but sure she slid her finger under my pants and panties, as gentle as possible she rubbed my clits with her thumbs that was completely driving me crazy while her lips keep planting a kiss all over my body down to my stomach. Lisa stopped the kisses on my stomach and looked at me as soon as she realized maybe this time having sex with me wouldn't be same because inside of my stomach there's our baby and it make her feels a bit awkward and worried.

"Nini.. Is it okay to do this?" She asked seriously

"Yes. Just do it gentle.." I replied

She leaned over again as pulled off my pants and panties, without breaking our eyes contact she spread my legs and put herself between my thighs, she began to run her finger slowly through my folds. I shut my eyes tightly feeling all my body shiver

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