Epilogue I

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Jennie Kim.

"Honey, what are you doing aisshh!!" Lisa groans as got up from the bed while rubbed her eyes sleepily

"Cleaning the room"

"What??? You cleaning the room in the middle of the night??" She asked in shock


"Wifey, you are pregnant and you moving all the room furniture, aren't you tired?" She asked with soft voice as shook her head slightly but I don't answer her

"It was 1 a.m. Let's go to sleep and do it tomorrow, your vacum cleaner is noisy, I can't sleep.." She said carelessly as held the back of my head

"Then, you can sleep in the next room again if you really want to sleep right now" I said annoyingly

"Goshh!! After two night sleep in the next room because you wanted more space in the bed and I just got back tonight to sleep with you again, you even allowed me to get my own pillow but now you told me to go back there again. You're too much Nini, ughh..." She exclaimed as pouted

"This room floor is so dirty because of you, I had to clean it. I couldn't bring my precious baby home to a room that had a dirty floor, right?" I said as glaring at her with a death look making her gasp while swallowed nervously.

"Umm. Ok. Well. I'm sorry. Let's clean the floor together. I don't want something happens to my baby as well" She said as took my face in her hands and looking at me lovingly as caressed my cheeks

After one hours we finished doing all the work. I cleaned the floor with vacum cleaner while Lisa moved the furniture in the room for me. I know this is so random, but I suddenly felt the need to clean our room when I woke up in the mid night to pee.

"It's done. Clean yourself and go to sleep baby" I said as took a breath with satisfaction after the room is clean

"Deeeee~" She answered with weak tone as sitting on the couch. Rested her head while sighs loudly

"Are you tired?" I asked as furrowing eyebrows looking at her suspiciously

"Aniyaa~!" She said as got up lazily

"Are you angry?" I asked as looking at her with serious face

"No..!!" She quickly answers as shook her head

I didn't give her any answer. I was only staring at her with sad yet serious face making her took deep breath before walked towards my direction

"Sayang, I told you I'm not tired or angry. I'm just mmm sleepy" She said as smiled softly at me

"Mian-haee" I replied with sweet voice as pouted cutely

"Mmm.. Your sweet voice make me melt. I'm okay Nini.. Let's go to sleep now.. You must be tired as well.. Our baby need a rest too" She said lovingly as caressing my jaw line gently with her thumbs

"A week ago I even cried to get into a pool, I was so desperately in need to go swim all of sudden even the weather was so cold and making you got fever.." I exclaimed with sad expression

"Honey. It's fine..."

"I'm sorry Lisa~ Please be more patient with me.." I said sadly as looking at her with teary eyes.

"Shh.. Don't worry about it. I got it Nini.." She said softly as smile at me before placed a gentle kiss on my lips

"I love you Nini.. I love you too baby.. I love you both so much.." She said as kissed my forehead down to my stomach before dragged me to the bed

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now