Chapter 23

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Jennie Kim.

2 week later

I couldn't explain the happiness that overflowed deep inside me. I felt so complete in my life having Lisa, not only her but our baby. I wanted her, literally all of her, not just her body but also her heart. I love her so much but I don't know if she love me yet but I am willing to wait because honestly I don't want anyone else, I just want her, I want us, the two of us, soon will be three with the baby. To do things together, to love each other, to sleep and wake next to each other, having a meals and travels the world together, and life happily as family

Today I was back to office and worked as Lisa secretary again for the next few months until I gave birth 'cause being at home keeps me thinking about Ella. I need to make myself busy and active for my baby health. I was sitting on my desk as rested my head on the chair just about a few minutes until I heard Lisa called me through the secretary phone

"Jennie Kim Manoban, come to my office..."

We just came out from the meeting room a few minutes ago and always stick together since this morning but now she calls me again to her office. What the actual fuck this Manoban wanted me to do right now? I sighed loud before got up from my seat and walked to the CEO room.

"Lock the door!" I heard Lisa deep yet so sexy voice as soon as I stepped in to the room

"What do you want?"

"Jennie Kim, I'm your boss when we are in the office, just do what I told you..." She said arrogantly as patted her lap slightly, give me a sign to sit on there

"I don't want to.." I said as shook my head pretendingly

"I'm giving you an order Mrs. Kim, lock the door and come here!" She said firmly with devilish smile on her face

"Aren't you feeling tired or something? Last night was a long night..." I said annoyingly as walked toward her. She pulled my body carefully onto her lap and I put my arms around Lisa neck while gripping on her shoulder

"I'm super tired with the work but I will never get tired of you.." She said with her sensual voice as started to roam her hands on my back while presses a light kiss alongside my neck and only with that simple touch of her soft lips on my skin was already driving me crazy

"You tickling me Lisa.." I exclaimed as covering my neck with my hands dramatically

"What the f....! How can a kisses tickling you rn? Is this pregnant problem again?" She exclaimed in disbelief as furrowed her eyebrows in such a cute way making me laugh

"Don't make that face. You looks like a cute little baby....~" I said as pinched her cheeks roughly

"Kyaa.. It hurt!! And sshh~ stop calling me cute and I'm not a baby.." She said pouted

"You are my baby. A big baby" I whispered inched closer to her before sealing our lips in a gentle kiss. The kiss only lasted a few seconds after Lisa disconnected our lips and talk with her baby inside my belly

"How was my baby today? Umm.. Isn't today we have an appointment to do ultrasound again?" She asked seriously as looked up at me and I nods in response

"Oh yes, that's right, it's today, uuhh I almost forgot. Can't wait to see you again sweetheart..." She said happily as rubbed my belly gently

"But Lili, it's almost 14 weeks, do you think my belly isn't getting any bigger ?"

"Mmm. I do.  Your stomach looks normal and flat.."

"Is this okay or normal?"

"I have no idea about it Nini, let's just go to the doctor after lunch to do an ultrasound and make sure our baby is okay"

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now