Epilogue III

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In the living room Lisa was alone as she closed her eyes tiredly and helplessly, even the room looks a little bit dark but it can't hide a pout on her face when her wife being so mean asked her to sleep outside and now she had to sleep on the couch since last night. Also they are not talking to each other the whole day, Jennie continued her Silent Therapy Punishment to her, usually Lisa would do and give Jennie everything she wants and tried to make sure she wouldn't feel too angry or sad when she makes a mistakes but this time Jennie don't allowed her to do a things.

"You are so cruel Jennie Kim" Lisa mumbled softly with her eyes shutting tightly.

And this morning when Lisa woke up she walked to their room gonna take a shower and get dressed for work but Jennie still closed and locked the door. Jennie put Lisa clothes in the door so Lisa couldn't get in, also she don't cook for breakfast, when Lisa asked her to make her a breakfast, Jennie just says that she was sorry, she wasn't in the mood to cook, but if she's hungry, there are some left in the fridge and get it by herself or asking the maids.

"What did I do wrong? I'm just going out to have some drinks with them and dancing a bit aishh.." She mumbled again to herself while resting on the couch after work and got their kids ready for bed, without knowing that Jennie already standing in front of her while crossing her hands

"You don't know what you did wrong? And saying that I'm cruel?" Jennie asked furiously with a deep voice making Lisa jumped out of the couch in surprise

"Oh gosh you startled me..." Lisa said shockingly as rubbed her chest in heavy breath

"Why did you do this to me?" Jennie asked. Her eyes reflected nothing but intense anger and coldness toward the shocking woman beside her. And Lisa still couldn't sure with what just happened between them

"What? I'm just going to the club to have some drink with Seulgi and Jisoo. Nothing more nothing less. Oh my God!!" Lisa says out of frustration

"But you lying about working late!!" Jennie practically yells. Hearing her wife words Lisa felt her face drained out of color as panic crept in, frightened to death as she looked at her wife and spoke in trembling voice

"I'm not lying. I'm working late that night then that bitch Seulgi asking me to go with her. This is too much, is not like I did something that bad..." Lisa fought back

Jennie didn't answer. Instead she looked at Lisa with her death stare and as being shot with a needle Lisa felt she would passed out in an instant just looked at Jennie scary eyes. She was sweating and slightly shaking as she took a heavy step slowly and walked closer to her wife and with her cute pouting face she looked at Jennie with puppy eyes. She know there was no other way to get her out of this situation after she lying about working late to Jennie that night

"Do you know I hate it when you lie? Because I think I couldn't trust you anymore" Jennie says calmly but Lisa know her so well there's hidden danger she need to be careful in the woman calmness

After a few seconds of shocked silence Lisa quickly grabs Jennie hands on hers while her eyes on the older one and not wanting to waste any more seconds before everything getting worse Lisa quickly make an apology

"Nini, it's been 24 hours 30 minutes and 30 second. I realized my mistake for lying to you and I can't remain far from you more few seconds again. And for the bottom of my heart I apologize. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me honey, please~" Lisa voice was sweet yet trembled as she looked deep into Jennie eyes and blinked her eyes trying to stop the nervousness go away

"From the bottom of my heart I will never, ever forgive you, easily. You can sleep in the room but don't you dare to touch me!!" Jennie says coldly as shoving away Lisa hand from her before walking away. Lisa quickly followed her from behind before she could close and lock the door

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