Chapter 34

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Jennie Kim.

Time flies and it's been almost 5 month since I went to Paris with Jisoo. I can't tell how my long distance marriage with Lisa works, being apart from her it may sound like the worst nightmare and mostly sucks, just as you guys knew, we always bickering like a kid, fights over issues both big and small, jealousy, nonsense arguments, sometimes Lisa being so selfish and stubborn, she makes me cry all night long. There are day when I miss her so much but she was pissed, there are day when we have that one big fight and we don't speak to one another for a few days, there are day when we doubt at each others, there are day when things just don't seem right that I just break down and cry out of frustration then falling asleep alone is the worst part, that's when I get so lonely and scared about how our marriage will survive. But sometimes we are sweet, we act like we are a perfect couple, we make each other smile, laugh and happy. And the most importantly, we would saying sorry and love you to each other in the end.

Though we are apart with one another, I always tried to make time for her by calling her, checking her meals on every breakfast, lunch and dinner, sending a text messages or short video. Though, we can't gaze into one another eyes and enjoy the pleasures of physical contact, or even share the simple joy of one another presence, we still caring, loving and wanting each other, silly as it may sound because as long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, it's mean we're still together. Being apart has reconfirmed how much we love each other, make an extra effort to be patient with one another especially Lisa. She much more better by the day, she always calls me before going to bed, and she is getting better at controlling her emotions and selfishness. Love and marriage is about staying together through anything, no matter what, and that's what we're trying to do now. I love Lisa more than ever and I miss her so much, I hope we get better at being apart, but at the same time, I hope we don't have to do this much longer.

I was having lunch with Jisoo right now while talking with my annoying wife on the phone. It was 2.25 PM in Paris and 10.25 PM in Seoul, Seoul is 8 hours ahead of Paris.

"Wifey, what did you do today?" She said with a cute voice

"Not much, just draw some designs and finish some clothes with Jisoo Unnie. We are having lunch right now, how about you Lili?" I spoke as taking a bite of my food

"Sounds fun. Just work and back home to sleep alone.." She answered. She must be laying now because I could hear the little creaked sound from the bed

"Have you had dinner ?"

"Umm.. Not yet. I don't need foods"

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm so full of love for you, I could barely eat" She whispered teasingly

"Sshhh cheesy!"



"When are you coming home?" She asked with annoyance tone

"I'm not sure baby. I'm sorry. I will back soon"

"Oh well, I guess I'll hang up now.." Her voice sounded drained and tired somewhat moody

"Wait Lisa, what's happen to you? Your voice sound so weak? Are you alright?" I asked worriedly

"Mm.. I'm okay. I just feel crazy rn.. Crazy in love with you..." She said as chuckle slightly

"Manoban. I'm serious. You sounded unwell. Are you sick?" I exclaimed firmly

"Yes. I got fever...." She said weakly and I could hear she was coughing pretty badly

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