Epilogue II

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It was 3 A.M in the morning when Jennie felt her stomach had a terrible pain. She woke up and in a sitting position leaning her back on the bed headboard while slapped her wife shoulder many times to wake her up from her deep sleep, but Lisa didn't move even a bit and snore loudly.

“Baby. Wake up!!” Jennie called her wife out but Lisa still in her wonderful dreams, only moving her body a little to turn on Jennie side until Jennie slapped her face harder and her automatically got up in shock and confusion

“Kyaa~~  what the hell are you doing??!” She exclaimed as didn't have the idea why her pregnant wife slapped her face that hard and makes her face reddened

“Lisa.. I-i think I'm giving birth” Jennie stuttered out as bitting her lips while looked at her wife who was still with half-closed eyes

“HAH??” Lisa asked in shock with her eyes widened

“Bring me to the hospital!” Jennie says again in pain while rubbed her big belly

“WHAT?” Lisa let out of confusion and her face getting even more red

“Baby. Call Mr. Cha or 911 !” Jennie says calmly making Lisa grabbed her phone on the nightstands but she was looked at her phone. Confusedly.

“Lisa. Call 911!” Jennie repeatedly but Lisa got frozen while staring at her phone blankly

“Give me the phone!!” Jennie yelled at her, frustratingly

“Wait, what the number again?” She asked confusedly

“Are kidding me Lisa?” Jennie says in frustration

“The number...” She said calmly somewhat confused


“Oh my God, you're in labor! Jennie” She screamed out and started panicking

“Oh my God.Call the hospital right now, Manoban!!!” Jennie shouted angrily and finally Lisa dialled it after a few minutes of confusion

They arrived at the hospital and Jennie was sitting on the bed with only the baby's head out when Lisa keep telling her something stupid, like the baby have no hair, the baby skin are red, and etc. Jennie started laughing and couldn't stop looking at her wife excitement until the doctor told her to stop laughing because she was pushing the baby out and she need to focus. Lisa was did great during the delivery and she looks so happy when the baby get out until doctors brought the hypodermic needle for the episiotomy. She was standing by on the edge of the bed and her eyes got huge, she stumbled and almost fainted, then grabbed the bed and pulled her wobbly self up. She panted in Jennie face

“Oh my God, did you see the size of that needle Nini?” She says shockingly as almost passed out again.

After they were all done, both the doctor and the nurse told them that they have never before uttered the words "stop laughing" during a delivery before. Jennie feels embarrassed and it's all because of the crazy wife of hers. This Manoban.. Gezzz~~!!


“Umm.. What?” Jennie answered as holding her baby on her arms but Lisa didn't give her any response anymore, Lisa couldn’t have been happier just looking at her wife and her newborn baby

“Why baby? Why are looking at me like that?” Jennie asked as smiled softly at her wife. She knew Lisa was feeling so much emotions right now, having a baby might just surprised her


Lisa, still in a bit of a shock, frantically asked where her another baby was. Then, as if it were meant to be, the moment the nurse entered the room while holding the another baby and handed over the baby to Lisa arms

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now