Chapter 38

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Lalisa Manoban.

"Without doubt, without cause, without reason, without agreement. Can you let me love you forever, Jennie Kim?" I said softly as went down on one knee on the ground and put the ring on her finger while looked at her nervously.

My heart was pounding. Hard. I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. I had to admit that I definitely wasn't expecting that I would do something like this in my life, I never expected I will fall in love, never expected I will fell in love with the woman I asked randomly to get married with me, it almost seemed too good to be true. I never expected to find someone to support me in every single thing I do. I never expected to find someone who thought my weirdness was cute. I never expected to find someone who would love me unconditionally and forgive me for so much. I never expected to fall in love with her but I can't imagine life any other way. I didn't know at all, I was completely surprised, she is the best surprise that ever happened in my life, she nothing that I ever expected, at some point in life, you will love someone more than you ever excepted, you're going to look at their eyes with a light and love in your eyes like they are everything you've been looking for your entire life. Jennie is perfect. She is the person I needed to meet and love. I'm so lucky to have her as my woman.

The feelings started rushing through me like a river as I waited for Jennie answer but she fell in silent while looking at me supirisingly.

"Nini..." I said as got up and took one of her hands and kissing it softly

"I know at time I was extremely hard to be with, I know it's hard because I'm difficult to deal with. I know it's hard because I'll give you a tough time, all the time. I know it's hard because I can't keep my shit together. I know it's hard because I'm insensitive sometimes. I'm sorry because I blame you. I'm sorry because I pick up fights when you just want to chill. I'm sorry I try so fucking hard to keep you in my life when I feel like you're leaving and I'm so glad that you didn't leave and give up on me, would you like to spend the best of your life and grow old with me?" I softly asks as looked into her eyes

"Omgod yes baby, I woud love to.." She said as give me a gentle kiss on my lips "I love you. So much"

I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard Jennie answer

"Lisa.. I..uh" Jennie stuttered out as the tears were flowing down on her cheeks

"Ssshh.. Nini, don't cry. I love you too, so much more than you can imagine. And I want to spend my life loving you and make you happy"

"You make me happy in a way no one else can Lisa, you makes me happy Jen. Thank you baby" She said as looked at me lovingly

"So I'm the reason of happy Jen?" I asked as smiled happily

"Yes, you are the reason of happy Jen. You have no idea how much happiness you brought into my life, when I picture myself happy, it's because I'm with you" She said sweetly as cupped my cheeks in her hands and rubbed it softly

And I just realized the day I let Jennie come into my world, then she become it. It's not what I feel for her, it's about what I don't feel for anyone else, she is everything I need to be happy , I don't need to go far away to see the world because my world is always with me when I stay with her.

"I'm happy if you're happy Nini. Mm.. It's getting so cold here. Let's go to the restaurant near here for our first night date in Paris, my wife" I said cheesily and she nods in response

We were in a restaurant not far from the Eiffel Tower, we could see at the tower while enjoying a romantic dinner and I could see a big smile on Jennie face when the food coming to our table.

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