Chapter 24

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Author Kece.

Jennie wanted to tell Lisa that she miss her, that she love her, but what was the point if she knew deep down that it wasn't going to change anything? Jennie wasn't exactly sure where she stood with her wife anymore. They weren't even been sharing the same bedroom since the incident. And as much as Jennie want to get Lisa out of her heart, she can't. Because from the very first moment that she met her, she knew Lisa was the kind of woman that would have her heart forever. But do you know how hard is it to love someone and not having them love you back? When she said she would always stay but she just leave you when you needed her the most? The feeling of emptiness, the feeling of no one there for you, the feeling that no one can understand you besides of yourself.

Meanwhile Lisa, spend her days lying to herself. Pretending that she don't think about her wife, that she don't have these goddamn feelings for her. She couldn't say it back because she didn't love Jennie the way Jennie loved her. She cared about her wife but love wasn't something she could've given her right now. She feels the same old empty feeling in her heart again without Jennie presences. Have you ever just sat there, staring into empty space and feeling a tight grip around your heart? Then squeezing and squeezing, not allowing you to breathe? Lisa seemed just can't stop that feeling, it hurts her so bad and it's indescribable. If you wonder why Lisa always thinking love was silly? She would like to tell you about the fact by just changing that one letter 'Love' turns to 'Lost', and the sad truth is, she felt she lost Jennie. Jennie has changed.

"Where are going?"

"None of your business, Lisa"

"I thought you would go to the office with me today?" The younger asked her wife calmly

"I have something to do and I didn't go to the office today, and I'd probably be back late" Jennie answered coldly as got up and left the breakfast table without even touching the foods.

As Jennie turned to head out of the kitchen, Lisa was left alone while staring at her wife shoulder and sighed, she really wished things would go back to the way it used to be. Not sleeping in separate beds, having her wife body and wrapped her arms around her beautiful wife as she slept, waking up next to her and giving her a good morning kiss. But as much as Lisa had apologies to Jennie the day she left her alone and blame her for everything that happened to their baby, it seem never enough for Jennie to forgive her. She was stupid and make a mistake that she'd regret from the moments her lips let out of those words blame on her wife and the moment her selfishness take over her, leaving her wife suffering by herself with the miscarriage.

The next day, Lisa stepped out of the bathroom, she dried her skin and made her way to the wardrobe that she and her wife once share together when they were still sleeping in the same bedroom. She picked out her workwear by herself, when usually Jennie will prepare it for her everyday before she went downstairs to make her delicious breakfast. She slipped her hands through the closet when Jennie entered the room, Jennie was a little shocked seeing her wife with only her underwear and bra standing in front of the wardrobe, she turned her back quickly and can't help herself blushing

"Mm...sorry... I should have knock the door"

Lisa let out a soft laugh as she continued to pick up her blouse and wore it as soon as possible

"You have seen me naked countless of times. It's okay to look..." Lisa said teasingly making the woman she missed a lot blushing even more than before

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now