Chapter 35

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Author Kece.

After a very long flight Jennie finally landed in Seoul. She arrived in front of Manoban Mansion where Mr. Cha have been waiting for her, her head was filled with overwhelming amount of things about what happened to her wife.

"Where's that bastard? Is she still not getting out of her room yet?" Jennie angrily asks Mr. Cha as walking in a quick step towards Lisa's room

"Yes, Mrs. Kim. It seems like she fell asleep after taking the medicine but this is almost 13 hours she hasn't come out from there" Mr. Cha says politely while following Jennie's steps

Jennie was standing at the door of Lisa's room, she knocked on the door hard so many times and yells but there is no answer from Lisa.

"Lisa... Open the door~~!!!" She called breathlessly

Her breathing started to grow irregular as there are still no sign of her wife

"Break down the door!" She commanded Mr. Cha and the man nodded in response

Mr. Cha was about to kick the door, then suddenly the doorknob moves down and there was Lisa standing in half asleep between the door, her hair was messy, her face was swollen, her eyes hadn't fully opened. She opening the door widely as she rubs her eyes without realized the woman she wanted to see so badly already in front of her eyes

"Do you wanna die, why are you so noisy? Aishhh my head hurts so much..!" She grumbled carelessly as scrunching her eyes to get a clearer view surrounding her

"You son of bitch!!" Jennie shouted as smacked her head hard

"Kyaaa...~ What the fuck are you doing? And who are you?" Lisa exclaimed as run her fingers through her hair to remove it from blocking her sight

Jennie furrowing her eyebrows with her mouth slightly hung open. She was confused and shocked at the same time with Lisa reaction. Is she Amnesia? It is even possible with just a small smack in her head can make her lose her memory this fast? Jennie thought.

"Are you kidding me Lisa??? Yahh, what happens to you?" Jennie asks as cupped her baby face in her hands with worried face

"I don't know you..." Lisa says with calm voice which got Jennie eyes widen in shock

"Yahh Manoban, stop kidding me.." Jennie exclaimed as looked at the brunette with suspicious look

"Who are you??" Lisa says again pretendingly with no expression and this time is enough for Jennie to hold back her anger toward the childish wife of hers

"Do you think you can fool me paboo?" Jennie says as grabs one of Lisa ear and pinching it hard

"Kyaaaa kyaaa~~~ Let go of me. W-what are you doing?? Aishh dammit!!" Lisa shouts desperately

"Do you think I came all the way from Paris just to see your idiotness like this? You idiot..!!" She shouted angrily closer to Lisa ear. Jennie is having a blood rush.

"Arrasoo arraassoo omygosh you breaking my earsdrum. Why are you shouted at my ears so loud?" Lisa says in pain as tapping Jennie hand on her ear begging her to remove it

"Mr.Cha you can leave now and call the police to save me.. Paliii~~ " Lisa says childishly causing Jennie slapped and pinching her cheek angrily

"Aisshh aaarhh my beautiful face..." Lisa exclaimed as strokes her reddened cheek dramatically

"You little bitch. I swear I'm going to scratch your face and kill you then throw you outside the windows...." Jennie said angrily as glaring at the younger with death look making Lisa swallowed hard and sweating a little

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now