Chapter 26

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Lalisa Manoban.

I stared in your eyes while they never stared back at me, I took a step forward while you keep took a step backward, I moved an inch closer while you keep moved an inch farther, I'll always run towards you but you'll run and standing far away.  It may have only been three months, but it was the worst three months I ever had, to be in the same place when we were inches closer but not speaking or touching each other make me feel we are miles apart, apart from someone who used to be the best part of your day. And it's silly how "a part" and "apart" are completely opposites yet only different by a little space.

I miss Jennie so much. I miss how she laugh, I miss a smile on her lips shows me how perfect and gorgeous she is, I miss how she hold me like she couldn't get enough of me, I miss how she act tough when she's saw another woman around me, I miss how she's say she love me, love me so much. I feel it in my stomach, that flutters of feelings when she is around. But now I just can't get around her, because she would avoid and ignore me. It all was my mistake, I hurt Jennie while I was hurting knowing that I lose my baby, I had apologize so many time for what I had done but she was hurting and keep herself away from me. I want to leave her alone for a while and give her some space, but it's enough now, I will get her back even if she didn't want to go back to me, fixing whatever went wrong between us. Even people said winning a girl back is much harder than catching the eye of a new girl, but I will try everything, because there's no person in this world that I want more than I want her, I just want Jennie Kim, that's all!

I opened my eyes slowly, feeling my head throbbing, I turned from side to side in the bed, searching for my wife body but there was no one here, I quickly sat up in bed while rubbing my eyes, where is Jennie? I got up of the bed and dragging myself to the bathroom, after finished I went downstairs and sit on the table, I thought Jennie still in her bedroom so I wanted to have breakfast with her but then the maids told me she had left. I'm going to office without even eat my breakfast, my mood wasn't good, apart from being so drunk last night and Jennie just left me like that making it even worse. I stepped out of the elevator towards my office and I saw Jennie was sitting at her desk, she was so beautiful as always yet so sexy with her short tight skirt.

"Good morning Nini" I said as stopped in front of her desk

"Good morning Mrs. Manoban" She said as bowed at me, acting formally.

This is one of her way to avoid me as if we don't have any relationship other than the relationship between the Boss and Secretary. It's damn annoying!

"Why did you leave so early??" I asked seriously

"I have something to do!" She answered coldly

"What is it?"

"None of your business"

I sighed heavily, I'm so sick with this answer everytime I ask her something, she always give me this damn answer, none of your business, none of your business, I don't give a fuck with business!

"You don't even have a time to get a breakfast"

"I had breakfast"

"Where?? Don't you dare to answer me with that fucking none of your business word!" I said annoyingly

"Then I won't answer" She replied coldly and it getting my nerves

"Jennie Kim!!" I said as stared at her sharply

"Yes. Mrs. Manoban, do you need something?" She asked with polite somewhat mocking tone. Wahh this woman is really something else

"YES Mrs. Kim. I need you to bring my breakfast into my room in 10 minutes!!" I said firmly

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