Chapter 2 (M)

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Lalisa Manoban.

I arrived home feeling annoyed. My work trip to England is not going well and it made me have to go back to Seoul as soon as possible to get some important documents. I saw my wife at the balcony standing while crossing her hands and looking up to the moon. I take off my coat then put it around her shoulder and hugged her from behind

"Oh gosh!! You always startled me Lisa" She said with annoyance tone while rubbed her chest

"I'm sorry wifey. What are you doing here?" I grinned as pecked her cheek

"You're home? Aren't you supposed to come back next week?" She asked curiously

"Something went wrong and I have to go back, don't you miss me Nini?" I said softly as place a gentle kiss on her shoulder

"I do. I miss you" She replied as turned her body and rested her head on my chest while her hands snaked around my waist tightly

"Uhmm. What's wrong with my wife? Is there something happened?!"

"No, it's just.." She paused then looked up at me as staring into my eyes deeply

"Lisa, are you happy?" She suddenly questioned

"Am I happy?" I said confusedly. Furrowing my eyebrows

"Hmp...Are you?" She said with in broken voice as let go of me. I grabbed her hand then intertwine our fingers while looked up at the moon

"How can I am happy living only to please my dad Jennie" I sadly says

"And how about you?" I added while turned sideway to look at her

"I don't know. Irene ask me that question yesterday. I feel totally lost and confused how to answer that. Like what you said Lisa, how can I am happy living to see Ella dying for cancer"

"Come here..." I muttered as hugged her again while stroking her hair



"I feel empty"

"Mmm, maybe the same as me. It just sometimes we can't just tell anybody how we really feel, not because we don't know why, it's just we can't find the right words to say it..."

"I miss my mom"

"Me too..."

"What should I do if Ella leave me someday?"

"Shhh.. It won't happen. I promised you. I will find the best doctor in the world to help her.."

"I don't know what will happen if I don't met you Lisa. I have definitely lost her"

"Never mind, I owe you my future too. Let's go inside and make me something to eat. I miss my wife foods, very tired and depressed these two days" I said as smile sweetly while rubbed her cheeks gently with my thumbs

"I miss cooking for my boss and my wife too" She said as given me her beautiful gummy smile

I met Jennie the first time in the cafeteria near my company. She is such a sweet and pretty woman, but pretty woman are not my type. There was something in her that made me so interested. She is strong woman not only about physical abilities, but also emotional, self-confidence, intellectual, and mental strength. She was strong not because she was not scared but life has given her no chance other than went on strongly, despite the fear.


"What do you see?" Bobby asked me

"Buddy, do you see that woman, look at her. Her body and outfit. Gosh!! It would be nice to have her in the bed"

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now