Chapter 16

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Lalisa Manoban.

"So how are you and Jennie doing? I know it's not any of my bussines but you seem stressed" Bobby said

"I mean more stressed than usual. You look terrible" He added jokingly

"We already file for divorce" I calmly says

"Hah? Are you kidding me? What the fuck is happening buddy?" He said with shocked face

"I don't know, Jennie wants to be apart with me" I sighed

"I'm sorry to hear that Lisa, but do you know the reason why?" He asked curiously

"You know about our agreement right? And she told me she fall in love with me so we have to get divorce but I say to her I wanna stay with her as a friend cause I love Ella just like my real sister. I promise Ella before her surgery to protect her Unnie but I don't think Jennie want me to, seeing as she telling me she wanted to start a new life with someone else and she didn't want to see and love me again" I explained frustratingly

Jennie just simply telling me she didn't want to spend any time with me again and who could blame her after what we both had agree? Actually I'm the one who make the agreement because I don't like to keep myself overhelming with love. I've been like this for a long time. I hanging out with someone and when they say they love me I will leave them and I don't care with what they feel, I just hate it, love is a beautiful concept, but it is not the reality of life. And Jennie, she was different compares to all the women who have been with me, she is someone who can makes me happy in the way no one else can but I wasn't exactly sure how to describe these feeling I had for her. I know our marriage wouldn't last and we can't be a couple but protect her and Ella is one of the things I have been doing for a year, and I want to continue doing it but Jennie didn't want me to.

"Someone else? Do you mean she cheated on you or what? But she says she loves you? Hufft~ so complicated eh?" Bobby huffed while shook her head

I sighed and leaned against the car seat "Ermm.. Do you think she lied that she loves me?" I asked as massaged my temple slowly

"I'm not sure about that. But maybe she just wants to divorce from woman like you" He said jokingly

"Woman like me? Do you know that I never touched another woman after I marrying her, she gave me everything I needed to" I pouted annoyingly

"Can I laugh at you? You just told me a week ago about Jennie telling you to fire Park Chaeyoung because you almost had sex in your office! You such a fucking clumsy womanizer" He let out of laugh

"That's because she threatening me to not touches her and I was stressed, she just gave me sexually frustrated everynight sleeping beside her when I don't have the right to touch her, can you imagine?? And speaking about Me and Ms. Park, we didn't even have time to do anything when Jennie showed up. Geezzzz" I stated embrassingly

"Hahaha that's funny" He laughed his ass off

"I want to get rid of my fucking problem asking you to meet up in my busy schedule but you know what? Your laugh just making me even more stressed out. Can you shut the fuck up!!" I said angrily

"Ok. Ok. Calm down. I'm sorry I'm sorry" He said nodded while trying to stop laughing

" Speaking back about Jennie. So what would you do now?" He asked

"I don't have an idea. I hoped Jennie changes her mind. I want to be with her!" I softly says unsurely

"You want to be with her? Do you mean you love her? Can you make it clear? God!! I just can't understand every words that coming out from your fucking mouth!! Bless my brain!! They have worked hard to analyzing what are you talking about" He exclaimed while patted her head dramatically

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