Chapter 39

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Lalisa Manoban.

“I just landed at New York and now you are going out to have a dinner with him? You're so mean Jennie!!” I said annoyingly through the phone

"Baby, it's not like I'm going on a date with him. Irene and Jisoo will be there too.." She answered softly but I didn't answer her back because suddenly my mood wasn't good when Jennie told me she's going to meet up for dinner with her friends, and one of them is Jongin, her ex. Damn God!! I really hate that man so fucking much!

"It's only a dinner, Lisa" She said with soft voice as she already know that I'm in a badmood

"Umm.. Ok. I trust you. Have fun then. Love you. Now bye.." I said codly as hung up the phone without even waiting for Jennie reply because I was annoyed.

I was on my way to my hotel, I opened the car windows as sighed in defeat while staring out at the sky. I'm on business trip to New York for a few days. After returning from Paris, Jennie and I lived our marriage life happily, the marriage that no matter how hard you try to prove you are "right" but to keep a marriage strong, you might have to admit that you are "wrong", the marriage that "fights" are only allowed to be "fights" not a "break up".

We makes a new agreement that always to fall in love with each others and make a marriage that forever, whether we like the agreement or not. But still nothing much changes, my jealousy over Jennie ex boyriend is something I couldn't control, sometimes, it's hard to not feel a tinge of jealousy when I think about he is Jennie first love. I can't stop myself from that insecurity, jealousy, or even angry obsession toward him even if he's not a threat cause I know Jennie loves me as much as I love her and the most importantly I can control myself now to not bringing up my stupid jealousy into a fight or argument with my wife and makes her sad or cry, so I will try as calm as I could to avoid them but the problems that always bothered me is, I know that Jongin still have a feeling to her, that's what my only reason why I'm so jealous and feel insecure everytime Jennie with him, I'm afraid that they'll get back together! Is it wrong to feel this way?

"Call me when you back home Nini.. I miss you already :("

I pressed the send button before put back my phone into my bag. I will go back to the hotel to get ready to meet some of my business friends. A few hours passed and I was just finished as walked towards my car in the parking lot while checked out my phone so many times and waiting for Jennie to call me but she didn't. She don't even reply my text, what is she doing right now? Is she having fun with him and forget about me? About my birthday? It's my birthday in Korea time. I sighs sadly as dialing Jennie number but she didn't pick up. I feel like crying as dialing it one more time but Jennie number was not active anymore. I really confused, pissed off, and sad at the same time.

"What the hell!!" I muttered to myself as took a deep breath while gripping my phone tightly trying to stop the urge to cry go away.

I was walking into my hotel room weakly as threw my bag and my body to the bed. I closed my eyes as massaged my temple gently while thinking about Jennie. I miss her so much, I wanted to celebrate my birthday with her even only talking to her on the phone but now it seems like she's forgetting my birthday because of that fucking dinner. She's didn't even call or text me back. She's ignoring me. Fuck it!!

"What a fucking nice Birthday Lisa!!" I cursed to myself as close my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I feel sad, tired, angry and dissapointed!! Dammit!!

After an hours shut my eyes tightly and force my myself to fall sleep but failed, I heard my phone ringing. I lazily pulled it out of my bag and answered the calls and it was Jennie.

"Hallo.." I said with annoyance tone

"Baby. Sorry. I just got back home and my phone run out of battery. Are you done with the meeting?" She asked softly and I only hummed in response, not in the mood

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now