Chapter 6

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Lalisa Manoban.

"Mrs. Manoban, here's your coffee" She said placing it on my desk

"Thank you Ms. Park. Do you know if Jennie is in the company?" I curiously ask because I didn't see Jennie since this morning. And Ms. Park was my other secretary to replace Jennie when she didn't go to office

"She didn't come to office today. But, honestly I don't really know. Usually, she would told me if she didn't come but I don't get any messages from her today' She said politely

"Okay, you can leave"

After an hours stayed in the office battling with myself whether I should go or not to see Ella. I got up from my seat and grabbing my blazer then left the office and drove myself to the hospital. I arrived to the hospital and walked to the room where Ella was but in the hallway, once again I saw Jennie sat in the waiting chair outside the room talking with that man, her ex boyfriend. I stopped walking and quickly took a step backwards hoping they would not see me. I stayed for few seconds watching that scenes while leaned my back against the cold wall to hide my body, I take a deep breath to calm myself who was shaking with anger before stepping out and approaching them

"Hello, darling!"

"Lisa, you are here?" Jennie said in surprise

"Is this the way to greet your wife, darling?"

Jennie got up quickly from her seat, stared at me with worry and scared eyes. Meanwhile the man that I don't even know who his name is just stared at me expressionlessly, it made me annoyed feel like wanting to give him a punch on his face to wake him up and stop hitting on my wife. Oh maybe I forgot one thing, soon to be my ex wife.

The man cleared his throat before stood up and spoke

"Jennie, I will talk to you again tomorrow before Ella surgery, don't worry too much, I promise you to do my best.." He said smiling sweetly at Jennie and bowed to me before leaving

In a split of second I felt my blood boiling, I could feel my body heat up and it wasn't good, I was on fire.

"Look here! Something similar was playing here like yesterday. How sweet this two lovebird accompanies each other~!! And you my wife, my good wife, Jennie Kim Manoban! You are really doesn't look like what I imagined. I'm totally wrong" I said laughed sarcastically making her squinted her eyes not understanding

"Lisa, we just talked about Ella condition, he is the doctor in charge will do Ella surgery tomorrow. Don't you get tired?" She asked annoyingly

"Of what!!" I said angrily

"Acting like I'm cheating on you, like you care if I am your wife while you wanted to divorce me so badly" She said while showing the ring on her finger

"I'm still wearing this ring without removes it even for a second from my finger, but you?" She said as looked straight into my eyes.

Jennie eyes turned wild angry, there is full of anger or maybe dissapointment. This is the first I saw her like this since we got married, she used to be a soft and caring woman, she is not the type of woman that get angry easily, not like me. She stared at me angrily, it was clear in her eyes. I don't know how to answer her because I has stopped wearing my ring a few days ago.

"I take it off" I honestly say as looking away. Averting my eyes from hers.

"That's it Lisa. You take off your ring once you are completely sure that you're done with our marriage so stop acting like you care" She said sighed angrily

"Ella already waiting for you inside" She said again without looked at me and walked past me

Uneasy feeling, that only I could feel with each word that came out of her mouth. I look down at my feet while sighed deeply and walking towards Ella room

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now