Chapter 11

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Lalisa Manoban.

"I hate you Lisa" She said and was about to get off from my lap but I wrapping my arm around her waist tightly. I was staring at her with puppy eyes, Jennie looks scary when she pissed off.

"Maaf sayang ( Sorry love)" I said in low voice

"Let go of me.."

"No. Since when you know I-i have something with chaee.." I stuttered. I was nervous, I can't even speak properly

"I know everything you do with all of that woman"

"Do you feel like what I feel when you saw me with someone else Nini?" I seriously ask

"Like what?"

"I'm afraid that you will leave me because someone else is going to make you happier than I do, someone else would give you something I could not..."

"I do"

"What was with that feeling ?"

"We are jealous.."

"We are?"

"No. You are. Now, let go of me" She said annoyingly as got up from my lap and walked away from my office

"Jennie Kim..." I yelled while chasing her. I reaches her hand and interwine our finger forcefully

"I will take you to the hospital" I said and pulled her to the parking lot headed to my car

"Lisa..." She called me with low voice

"Yes. Nini, what's wrong? Why your face looks so pale and you are sweating! Ohmygod!" I said worriedly while cupping her face

"I umm.." She gulped while closed her eyes "I need to sit down"

"We can sit in the car" I said as guided her to my car

"Are you sick?" I said worriedly while wiping her sweat with tissue

"I have a headache" She said weakly

"Rest here and sleep. I'll take you home" I said and lowered the car seat so she could lie down

"I have to go to the hospital Lisa"

"But you're sick Jennie"

"It's okay, I'll be fine after sleeping here for a while"

"You need rest and I will have people to look after Ella in the hospital. You are going home with me for now" I said selfishly

After a few long minutes we got home, Jennie sleeping deeply the whole ride. I pick her body up carefully from the car seat and carrying her to the room, I laid her down on the bed and took off her heels slowly not to wake her up then cover her with the blanket and give her a little gentle kiss on the lips. I went to the kitchen and told the maid to make some porridge. I was lying beside her while caressing her hair and head, looking at her face. She looks weak and breathing slow with those sweats kept flowing on her forehead. But it can't stop me admiring her, Jennie eyes were literally like the night sky, looking into them was like staring into the universe, it's not something you get tired of, her smile was the most adorable smile I have ever seen and there is no such thing as bad or unflattering lighting for her every time I saw every line, cure, and angle of her face, she was gorgeous. How can I not admire the beauty of this woman without desiring her? I'm not pervert it's just a habit. Hhhhh~

After almost an hour, Jennie eyes slowly opened. I immediately got up to get some water and the porridge in the kitchen for her and back to the room again hurriedly

"Lisa..." She said weakly as got up and sat on the bed resting her back on the headboard

"You make me worry. Do you eat and drink properly in the hospital? You need to take care of yourself too Nini" I said gumbling

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now