Chapter 15

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Jennie Kim.

"Mrs. Kim, I can't be sure of what I'm looking at, it could be a baby, but it could also be bleeding/blood" The doctor said while scanned my belly

"What do you mean doc?" I asked confusedly somewhat nervous

"It is very hard to see at 4/5 weeks, usually they don't even attempt an ultrasound until after 8 weeks where we can see and hear a heartbeat" He explained calmly

"3 days after I missed my period, I took pregnancy test and the result was positive"

"Maybe you're around 4 or 5 weeks pregnant and is a little too early, we only saw the gestational sac, small circle and no heartbeat yet"

"What should I do doc? Is this normal? Should I be worried?" I asked nervously

"No, don't worry. We will do another ultrasound in the next 2 weeks. It was normal, it just been to early to see anything, at 6/7 weeks maybe we could see the baby more clearly" He said as finished the scan in my belly. I got and tidy up my shirt looked at him with worried face. I'm nervous and worried to death

"Is this normal? Can you tell me what should I do to keep this baby healthy?"

"Yes. That is normal. It might be too early, just believe your baby is already here. Stay positive, don't get stressed or too tired. Just take the acid folic and do a healthy pregnancy, eat well and sleep more. And do the ultra sound to see your little baby move.."

"Thank you doc"

I walked out of the room and went to my car. I gently planced my hand on my still flat belly. I have no idea with the presence of this baby, I have been down and I regularly cry myself to sleep this past few days thinking about what I am going to do with the fact I would divorce with Lisa, being single and pregnant. But I did decide to keep the baby and I don't regret the decision I made, I can felt the connection between us, felt a new life growing inside me and I need to be strong and I willing to do this on my own. My eyes filled with tears but I quickly blinked them back. I was very moody lately, I can't be stressed or crying too much it will effect to my baby.

"We'll fine baby" I whispered while rubbed my stomach


"You what??" Irene Unnie said with her eyes and mouth open widely the moment I came to her place and tell her everything

"I'm divorced and pregnant Unnie" I muttered while eating the ice cream I bought when I went here. I really want to eat ice cream so I bought some

Irene unnie face palmed. "Are you crazy?" She exclaimed angrily


Irene unnie sighed in disbelief. "How can you be so stupid? You told her you love her and then you both agreed to divorce and now you realized you are pregnant and you didn't want to tell her about the baby? Jesus, what was on your mind Jennie!!"

"You know about our agreement, and we have to divorce because I break the rules and Lisa didn't love me, I can't force her to be with me. Even though we will have a baby, are you sure she will accept this baby? I don't even want to imagine it unnie. I don't want to get hurt, I don't want my baby to get hurt, to feel what I feel. What if she asked me to do abortion or something like that? Do you think I can do that? No Unnie. I can't and I won't!!" I exclaimed firmly

Irene Unnie shook her head and sighed. "What about Ella? Your father? And now you have to take care of the baby while you're divorced and not the wife of a billionaire anymore, what will you do? You know I don't want to imagine you returning to your shitty life as before again. Lisa is your way out to life a good life Jennie!!" She exclaimed raising her voice

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now