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Mya in MM. 🌸.

Third Person...

Mya walked out her room going to the cafeteria where everybody was at. She seen Cartier talking with some girl names Shelly they both met when they came in here.

She was the realest most thurlest person they have ever met before. She not the type to sugar coat shit and tell you a lie. She will let you know wassup.

"Hey Shelly. Hey Carti." Mya waves at the both of them before sitting down next to Cartier.

She left Kordei in her room sleep until she went back for him.

"Wassup." The said in unison.

"So Carti you spoke to ya mom fa me?" She asked anxious to know the answer.


"And what she say?" She question curiously.

"She told me that she might not be able to take him because of the Malik situation." She said lowly, but to Mya it sounded more like a mumble. She was still able to hear her quietly.

She bit her bottom lip understanding. She got up walking back to her room laying down next to her baby.

While she was up in here her grandmother was put into nursing care by her mother. She wanted her daughter to suffer as hard as she possibly could.

And that's exactly what was happening.

Kordei woke up fussing around. She slightly patted his back putting him back to sleep. She just wanted her son to be good by the time she got out.

The only person she could hate for everything was her mom. And it was gonna stay like that.
Cartier & Shelly talked to each other reminiscing for old times they had growing up.

"I remember when I was five I cut a while in the bottom of the tv thinking I would go into he cartoon world." Shelly laughed telling her that.

"I don't know if that is cute or just plain weird." Cartier laughed.

She looked down at Sanai sitting in her lap and rubbed her head. She kind of felt for Mya. She didn't want her best friend suffering like that at all. She didn't like how she was being treated. She was gonna make sure she talked to her mom about the situation before moving further.

After her & Shelly sat there they both got up walking to their rooms. Shelly was escorted back to the other part she belonged in.

While Cartier was in her room she picked up a pencil & notebook opening it up to write. His is what she's been doing for a while so far. She's been writing & talking to herself. It keeps her mind focused on other things beside Kentrell.
Shelly stood up looking at herself in the mirror she was preparing herself to go & see her mom. It's been two years since she's been here.

There was a lot of explaining & questions that was gonna need to be asked & answered.

She walked out going into an open area where everybody else was at speaking to their peoples. Shelly looked around seeing a light skinned lady smiling bright & hard—that was her mother.

Sitting in front of her she smiled weakly. She crossed her arms over her chest before getting right to the point.

"So where have you been these past two years?" She held up two fingers.

"I've been working & dealing with a lot really. Your father came back & he's been on his dumb shit lately." She explained.

"Girl that ain't no excuse. I need a straight answer. Why haven't you been here?" Shelly demanded an answer from her mother.

"Chanel Shi'Yanna Wells Who the hell do you think you talkin to like dat?" Her mom asked.

"Obviously you. Why haven't you been here? You keep skipping over my question."

"I've been going through some things with your grandmother. She kicked me out & I've been living on the streets for awhile. I've been in the streets trying to get some money up to get a house for us when you get out. You only have a year left I figured that would be enough time for me to get ready." She explained.

"What! How the hell did you let this happen! What did you do!" Shelly yelled at her mom.

"Hold on Cause Imma need fa you to calm ya little ass down." She raised her voice a little. "And she kicked me out because I had some drugs in her house. I was just holding it for somebody. That's all." She told her.

"That's the most dumbest thing you've done so far. What made you wanna do that?"

"This boy I was messin wit told me he would give me half of I stashed it."

"And did he?"

She shook her head looking down. Shelly rubbed her hand down her face. "You see. You can't always help people out mom."

She nodded her head understanding. She got up pushing her chair in. "I'll be back to visit you next week. I'm back on my regular schedule."

They both nodded their heads before hugging. She watched as her mom left without looking back.

Another One😂😂😂.



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