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Malik In MM. 💦.

Third Person.....

Malik walked in the building where his sister was at preparing himself to speak with her. He also was preparing to see Mya. He knows she had a baby, but he doesn't know what it is or who's it is.

He hopes he finds out today.
"Wassup Carti. How you been?" He asked folding his hands.

"I've been good how bout chu?"

"I'm good. Chillin. Taking every step I can at a time. Ya feel meh." He patted his chest.

"Yeah ok. And naw ion feel you. It's hard in dis bitch." She semi-yelled.

"Well I mean you is in jail dick head." He laughed. She mimicked him looking stupid.

He looked up seeing Myas back facing him as she got a cup from the counter.

"How she holdin up in here?" Malik asked concerned about Mya.

Cartier turned around looking at her best friend as she got a cup of water. She looked back at Malik wanting to tell him, but she couldn't because she knew it would start problems. Even though it already would she didn't want to intervene—even though she already was. She just wanted to stay away, but it was a little too late for that.

"Yeah she's been fine lately. She's been with me and her other friends." She shrugged.

"What she have?"

"A boy. His names Kordei." She smiled.

He nodded his head leaning back in his chair clearing his throat. He was trying to get her attention without saying anything.

She looked up meeting eyes with him. She almost fainted. He smiled waving his hand. She waved back walking over to her room. She picked up her son walking over to the door.

Malik looked up immediately straightening his face. He looked at the baby looking over him. The baby looked just like him, but he didn't want to think it was actually his.

Kordei smiled showing his only front two teeth at the bottom. Malik blinked his eyes a couple times trying to hold some tears back. He didn't know why he was crying it was just that he might've had a son.

Or does he?....

Cartier watched the whole time as everything played out. She smiled nodding her head at Mya. Kordei jumped up and down clapping his hands. Malik got up fixing himself. He turned to Cartier.

"I'm finna go. I'll come back in a while." He stated before giving Kordei & Mya one last look.

Once he left Kordei started crying softly. Mya comforted him walking back in her room.

Cartier got up walking over to Sanai. She was playing around with the other babies. She grabbed her taking her back into her room.

As everyone was chilling all you could hear was a scream coming from the back. Cartier stuck her head out seeing Mya & Raelin standing in a big circle of blood.

She rushed over seeing what happened. Raelin laid their on the floor with blood coming from her vaginal area.

Xavier came rushing over gently moving Mya out of the way by her hips. She jumped covering her mouth with her hand. He gave her the shivers when he did that.

He kneeled down picking her up and taking her to the front. There was a doctor already there for reason like this & giving birth.

Thy rushed her to the back to see what was wrong with her. Everybody that was there walked away minding their businesses.

Xavier walked to a secluded corner rubbing his hands down his face. Mya walked over rubbing his back.

"It's ok. Everything is going to be fine." She tried soothing him.

"How the fuck You know that? You ain't her." He snapped.

"Well excuse me I'm trying to help you out & be here for a friend."

"Why do you even care anyways. It's not like you know us."

"Because I've been through half of the things she's told me. And nigga I know about her just not you." She snapped back.

"I'm trying to help, but if your gonna be a dick about things then never mind." She began walking away.

"Wait." He snatched her arm up pulling her his way. Their lips were only inches apart from each other.

He stared in her eyes trying to read her & was successful at it. He cold even tell by just looking at her but he wanted to see up close.

He grabbed her waist licking his bottom lips. Myas hand touched his forearm while the other touched his muscle.

She tried backing up but he wasn't budging. Cartier saw smirking. She thought it was cute, but dangerous.

She didn't know what she was getting herself into.

Whooo. I'm Hype. Another One.

Hope Uu Guys Like It.

More Drama To Come🤫😊🤫😊



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