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Xavier In MM. 🌚.

Third Person....

"Aye bro bro." Raelin semi-yelled trying to get her brothers attention.

"What nigga. You gone get me caught." He whispered back.

"Can you hand me some tissue? I gotta take a shit, & they ain't got none in mine, so..." she shrugged her shoulders.

"What? Ight man I gotchu just don't be all extra." He handed her a roll of tissue. She quickly took it running to the back.

He chuckled walking back up to the front watching over all the young girls. He was only watching over them at the front desk when Mrs. Debbie—the bigger person wasn't there.

Yeah he's a guy N all, but he doesn't think of them no type of way especially when his baby sister is in the same facility—Raelin.

Him & Raelin are brother & sister, plus that's what getting her through this time a little. He's basically there to help her not get into any trouble, & to stay away from the bad things.

But knowing Raelin & her ways there was no telling what she would do, especially when he wasn't always gonna be around, but for the time being he would try his best.

He looked up to see a female ringing the bell trying to get his attention.

"Umm excuse me." Her soft voice trailed off. "Do you know where Mrs. Debbie is at? I really need her assistance." She asked politely.

"Uhh." He looked around. "Naw, but I'm here to help if that helps you a little bit." He suggested weakly smiling.

"Oh never mind, but thanks anyway." She replied about to walk away when Raelin came running over.

"NO RUNNING IN THIS AREA! WE HAVE KIDS IN HERE!" A guard yelled from the back.

Raelin grilled her eyes not giving a fuck bout none of dat. She was trying to get to her brother & and that's exactly what she was gonna do.

"Hey bro bro. I see you met my friend Mya right?" She smiled.

"I mean yeah you can say that. I just haven't gotten shawtys name yet, until nigh so, hi Mya." He tried being nice. He didn't do little girls, but he was trying to compose himself. Mya wasn't ugly or anything to him. He just didn't want to get distractedly caught up.

"Hello. And your name is?"

"Xavier by the way." He held his hand out for her to shake & she did.

"I'm gonna get going nigh. Bye." She waved before walking back over to her room.

Xavier's eyes traveled all up & down her body as she walked back. He tried looking in her room, but it was to an angle where you couldn't see.

"Damn Xay you all up in her face." Raelin interrupted him. Making his eyes travel to her. He rolled them getting a notepad out to draw.

"Lil girl go away." He shooed her off.

"Ight nigga." He held her deuces up. Moonwalking backwards.

Xavier chuckled to him looking at the outline of his drawing. He squinted his eyes looking down licking his bottom lip. He looked up & his eyes met up with Myas. She hurried on into her room closing the door.

That was the most terrifying thing she thinks she has ever encountered. 
"Momma!" Cartier yelled over the phone.

"What little girl?"

"It's only five to six more months left."

"I know baby & we've made a plan."

"Yeah, but what bout Mya momma. Kordei gone be put in the system if he has nowhere to go." She explained.

"Well we ain't havin that. I'm gonna ask on of your cousin if they can take the baby until then this is over with we're not talkin bout it anymore you hear me?"

"Ion know momma. Ain't Malik still comin up here to visit me?" She asked.

"Yes He is, but you will not bring that situation up. I repeat do not bring that situation up. He doesn't need to hear that right now." She warned her.

"Ight mom I gotchu. He won't know that he has a son that'll be put in the system in a matter of months from not having a place to stay." She rilled her eyes.

"Cartier don't get smart."

"Ain't dat what chu sent me to school for?"

"Girl. Don't make me." Her mother warned her again.

"Ok anyway mom." She said it disgustingly. "The truth is gonna come out & when it does your gonna be the one to blame here." She sighed deeply. "I have to go, just call me when you guys make your way up here. Bye.0 and with that she hung up walking over to Myas room.

She opened the door seeing Raeling, Shelly, & Mya all laughing & playing with the baby.

Cartier laughed only knowing that Mya would be a little bit more happy when she told her the news.

"Mya I got some good news fa you."

"What is it." She asked now intrigued.

"My momma asking one of my family members to get the baby. I think they might say yeah. Knowing that they like you."

"Oh my gosh. That's great. He can finally go to a home without being put in the system." She smiled.

"Yeah. And I'm proud of you so far."

"For what?" She asked confused.

"For being a great mom this whole time you were here. Kordei is a great baby & knows a lot. He gets that from you."

"Thank you Carti. Your a good friend."

"You mean sister." She corrected her laughing.

They all smiled giving each other a group hug. Raelin might have been new, but they still considered her a good friend.

Gm Y'all. 👋🏾

More To Come Soon. This Time You Gt To See What Every Character Looks Like. Or At Least. 😂😂. Until Next Time.



P.S. Do Any Of Uu Readers Remember The Ages Of The Characters.
& So Fourth...

What Their Ages Would Be Nigh tho.

Anyway Bye 👋🏾

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