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^Both Myas Cousins Above...

Wanna Say R.I.P 🙏🏾 To The Female That Plays Jaylin Above. She Committed Suicide (In Real Life) From Being Bullied. People Are Fucking Sick & Rude. She Was A Good Person & Sweet Asf. Prayers Go Out To Her Family. 🙏🏾🙏🏾

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I watched as my momma walked in the dining room area already on her bull shit. In my head I was pissed the hell off, but on the outside I played it off as if I was Glad she showed up. But she knew I was fakin it

"Hey y'all!" She shouted waving.

Everyone stared at her with slight smirks on their faces or disgusted looks. They didn't like how she just walked in like that.

All my side of the family looked at their sister, cousin, aunt, or niece wondering what the hell was wrong with her.

"Hey Al'Mirah. Come sit down." My uncle Martin said aloud trying to clear the tension in the air.

(Y'all I Honestly Forget Myas Mom Name, So I Guessed. It's Been A Minute. If Y'all Know Can Y'all Comment.)

My mother sat down diagonal from where I was sitting across from me & watched me as she did so. I haven't spoke with my mother since the second month I've been locked up. She hasn't tried to contact me, come & see me, thought of coming to see me, or even having the nerve to come & see Kordei.

I turned my head not trying to make eye contact with her. She didn't know what happened to Kordei & I didn't want her to find out or know.

I looked at Malik who was staring hard at me. I simply rolled my eyes while shaking my neck a little bit.

"And what the hell you starin at?" I thought in my head.

He got up from his seat walking over to a back room waving his hand at me wanting me to follow him.

Cartier POV
I watched as Mya followed Malik to a backroom. Ian really think nothing of it because they have a kid together & both them niggas single.

Well, Malik is, that's all I know.

Anyway. I saw how tense Mya was when she seen her mom walk through that door. When she popped up her whole demeanor changed.

I wonder if her mother knows about what happened to Kordei or have any idea about what Myas going through.

I doubt she does though, the way she treats Mya—Pretty fucked up. Ian like when my momma didn't wanna help, but she had to much on her plate at the time too so.....

Kentrell POV
"So you goin to dat lil party ya babeh momma family throwin?" My lil brother Kendell asked meh bein nosey.

"Mind ya' business lil nigga. Don't worry bout what I got goin on." I pointed my index finger at him.

I walked away holding tight on my pants making sure dem bitches ain't go down any further.

I pulled the blunt out my mouth breathin out Smoke as I watched my girlfriend lay on my bed butt ass naked.

"Say, Nene put some clothes on mane. Ain't nobody tryna see dat shit." I waved her off sittin on a lil stool in my room.

She huffed rollin her eyes before gettin up doin what she needed to do. I shrugged my shoulders not really givin a fuck bout what she mad or fucked about.

She ain't bout to be havin ha lil stank ass up in ma bed butt ass naked wit no clothes on just layin there.

Fuck type time you on hoe.

Anyway I got up shakin my head as I finished my blunt letting dat bitch out.

"Say Nene hurry the fuck up mane. We got some place to be!" I yelled out already preparing myself for Cartier bullshit & her family's bullshit.

Xavier POV
It's been awhile since I've talked to Mya & I've been beginning to get worried. I really like Shawty & I want to keep talking to her. Ion know why she keep dodging a nigga.... I be nice as hell.

But that must be the problem.

Ever since she left she's been different. I think it's because of her kid—my dumb ass.

I don't know how she feels, but I could tell by the looks on her face N all that she really is torn apart from this. Just imagine your kid being token away from you—taken away from your arms. That shit hurts man.

My sister lowkey thinks she's out talking to her ex nigga & still back to fuckin with him, but I don't think so. And if she was I wouldn't Be That Hurt, but that shit would get to me.

Me & Mya have grown close as hell since she's been released. I've been seeing her on a daily—awhile back recently. We've talked & got to know each other more. I just don't know what I did for her not to want to speak to me nomore.

Hopefully she isn't back speaking with her ex.

Cartier POV
"Girl theres a lot of these cute niggas sittin around here. Why don't you just go & get one?" Khiana, Myas cousin spoke to Jaylin & her sister Mae'Lin.

"Nah WE both good." Mae'Lin waved in between the both her & her sister.

"Yeah." Her Sister co-signed.

"Eww. Y'all dry as hell." She waved them off getting up to sit next to Damoni, my brother.

I meant ally rolled my eyes not liking what I was seeing. The fact that she was flirting with Damoni & being a hoe, then him actually liking it & socializing back with the bitch.

You see I like both Mae'Lin & Jaylin. They were cool peeps. They weren't into any of the drama shit & didn't like none of that bullshit. Although they did like finding out tea, but they never sent shit back to people or told others their business.

Last reason is they're not fake like the rest of these girls. They are real friends. Friends that girls like us need.

Shiiiiit. Friends that a bitch like ME needs.

But anyway. I was interrupted by thought when I saw the last person I thought I would see walk in.

Kentrell. And he brung his pet. Jamia....

Hey Y'all.

Ik I Have Been Absent Lately, But I Was Just Too Lazy. Ya Feel Meh???


How Do Uu Feel About Xavier???

Xavier & Mya???💑
Malik & Mya???💑



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