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Nikko In MM. 🍂.

Third Person.....

"Where is my little sister Riyah at mother?" Nikko, Lyrics day oldest daughter asked looking for her younger sibling.

"She prolly upstairs fuckin on some lil ass boa."

Nikko went stomping up the stairs.

"And don't interrupt ha'. I wanna see dis shii." Their mother got up walking up stairs to her room.

They could hear noises coming from outside the door, but didn't know what it was fully.

Her mother grabbed the handle only for Nikko to grab her wrist. "Nah ma' I got this." Nikko whispered busting through her bedroom door.

Riyah jumped up going into a karate stance breathing heavily. Once she saw who it was she nearly fainted.

She ran up to her sister hugging her tightly. It's been three and a half years since she's seen her older sister, Nikko.

With her being away in the army. She hasn't really had enough time to see her. She's been out of the country defending her people, she hasn't had time to face call or anything—which she felt bad for, but she'll makeup for it today.

"Nikko!" She screamed crying.

"Hey lil sis." Nikko hugged her back. "I've missed you."

Nikko surprised their mother earlier today & it was heartbreaking for her. When she laid eyes on her mother, she nearly fainted. She screamed so loud niggas from around the block could hear her if they listened.

She was glad to be home & glad to see everybody.

Just not knowing what they've all gotten themselves into.
72 Hours Later....

Trina & the rest of them have been in holding for three days & they were tired as hell.

They've only been able to eat—not shower, brush their teeth, change of clothes, or nothing.

They were treating them as if they were pigs, & the whole time that's what they were going for.

Trina day there in deep thoughtful regretting everything she did.

It was over hatred.

She only wanted revenge. She didn't think it was fair for Riyah to be pregnant & she couldn't.

Even though it had nothin to do with Cartier. She killed her baby thinking it would hurt Cartier in the worse way, but come to find out it didn't.

The bitch was delusional.

She rose her head from laying in a fetal position walking over to the bars.

"Umm excuse me. Can I speak to officer M please?" She asked in the nicest way possible.

"Yeah. I'll see." Another police officer said walking away.

She came back minutes later opening up the gate. "You May see him now. Follow me." She pointed to her.

Trina nodded following after the lady. Once they made it to his office the officer left Trina standing there in the doorway.

Officer M looked up making eye contact with her.

'How can somebody like her send innocent people to jail. Especially pregnant.'

He thought throughout his head. Instead of looking at her for so long he moved his index finger directing her to come closer.

"Sit." He said sternly.

She did as Told clearing her throat. "I would like to admit to what I did."

"And what exactly did you do?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Me & Carmen were the only ones that touched Tay. The others were just waitin for us in the car. We beat Tay up doing any & everything we could think of. I just did it out of anger. I was mad." She calmly shrugged her shoulders.

"And why were you angry?"

"I wanted Cartier & Mya both to suffer as bad as I did back then." She teared Up.

"Did they do anything." She nodded her head.

"What did they do?" He asked hoping he could add an extra charge on to their ass.

"They both killed my baby. Well Cartier did. Mya just hyped shit up."

"Woah there big fella. Tell me that whole story from the beginning." She simply nodded proceeding.

"Yes." She sniffled. "I was chillin with my boyfriend Tony sitting on my porch."

(A/N: y'all remember in book #1 when Cartier had an ex that did her dirty. I forgot ole' boa name. I think it was Tony if I'm not mistaking. Lemme know though)

(HINT, HINT: Uu gotta go dogging fa dat mf)

She kept going. "Cartier & Mya walked up to us calling him out his name, then adding me into it. Tony tried stopping her, but she was too angry. He grabbed her by the neck pushing her back a little....she got up slapping him as hard as she could." She wipes a tear. "I couldn't control myself. I could t just stand there."

"So what did you do?"

"I got up & helped him. I walked up to her & hit her."

"While pregnant?"

"Yes.....she hit me back doing everything little thing she could think of. Mya was by her side the whole time. So I knew I wasn't gonna win. She got me to the ground & the last thing she did before walking away was kicking me in my stomach HARD two times." She let her tears fall.

Officer M felt bad. But at the end of the day he couldn't. To be honest with you she basically put her babies life in danger. She shouldn't have never involved herself into something she is no business being involved in.

"So that day I seen Tay. I took my anger out on her & made her feel the pain I was feeling. And I don't feel bad about none of it because they BOTH got what they deserved."

"Even if it meant sending two innocent people to jail?" He protested.

"Yes. Even the if it meant sending two innocent people to jail." She said pasty before wiping away all her tears & fixing herself up.

He grabbed his handcuffs taking her back to the cell.

"Trina & Carmen you are both under arrest for attempted murder in the 2nd degree. Rhonda & Chloe you Too will be charged as assailants."

He closed the cell door before heading back to his office to make a few phone calls.

I Did It Bitches🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪.

Matter Of Fact WE Did It.

There's More Too Come & More Confusing Plot Twisting Shii. 

Hope Y'all Ready.



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