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Nalia In MM. ❄️.

Third Person....

Three Weeks & Two Days Later.....

Kordei would be going on 11 months in five more days. Which meant it was less time until he would have to go away.

Cartier has been trying to get in touch with her brother, Malik, but was it was unsuccessful. She thought he didn't want to have nothing to do with Mya & the baby.

The truth was his phone broke, when he went on vacation. He was waiting to get a new one until he went back home.

Mya sat in her room finding little fun things to do before her son had to leave. Yeah she had a month left, but she still wanted to enjoy every last bit of time she had with her son.

She was teaching him to walk, but he was too lazy to even want too. He was a cute lil chubby baby & always wanted attention—she gave it to him.

He resembled Malik so much she would daydream about him. And ask herself why he was so damn dumb to realize the baby was his. She bet he wanted someone to tell him.

And that's exactly what he wanted.
Xavier walked in Raelin room scanning around it. He squinted his eyes looking at the little cravings she did on the wall.

She laid there watching him the whole time. She wanted to ask him a serious question, but knowing him he would probably lie.

"You like Mya? Or find her attractive in any type way?" She bluntly asked.

"Naw why." He lied straight through his teeth. Raelin could tell & spoke on it.

"Stop lying all the damn time. You like her or not? Think she cute or not? You find her attractive or not? Nigga simple." She shrugged her shoulders throwing out questions.

"Ared Damn." He paused for a minutes stratching his head. "I don't know enough about her to like her & yes I think she's cute & what not. And I do find her attractive. Hella attractive." He smiled. "But the thing is she's too young."

"Nah un. Mya is 18 along with Cartier." She straightened.

"So why are they still in this facility. They should be moved up to where the older women are."

"They can't move up because of the kids. You see where we at if you have your kids for a year you have to finish that year out with your kid. They won't allow you to move to an upper area where they don't allow kids." She reasoned.

"Oh. Well Ian know allat."

"Do you see now?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yeah nigga damn Ian dumb." He defended himself.

Xavier thought about it for a second. If Mya was to the age or point where she could date older guys or in his head it's Men. Then he would be able to grow closer & her to know her much better in order for that to work or.

He left out her room going straight to Myas. Raelin laughed seeing how she had him pussy whipped & they haven't even had sex or are dating.

She just sat back & laughed the whole time.

On the other hand Xavier went to Myas room to talk to her. He really wanted to get to know her & find out a lot more things so they could take it to the next level which is....the talking stage.

Especially since he works there & she'll be out soon he knew it would be good for them.

Or that what he thought.
"Wassup girl." He called out to Mya. She looked up laughing.

"Hi X." She gave him that nickname after that incident that happened in the corner.

"You tryna smoke?" He asked randomly.

"Is that your way of flirting?"

"I mean...is it working?" He scratched the back of his head.

"A little." She chuckled.

"Come On then." He waved.

Just then before she could get up & leave a female dressed up in a Female Suit came knocking at her door.

She got up answering it.

"Yes?" She asked confused.

"Hi I'm Samantha & I work with Child Protective Services (cps). And I'm gonna need to take Kordei Malik Brown." She stated her purpose.

Mya nearly fainted shaking her head rapidly. She could not believe this is happening to her. Especially at a time like this.

"No, no, no, no." She shook ur head. "No. Your not taking him." At that point Cartier, Shelly, & Raelin stood outside her door watching. Along with other girls in the facility.

Xavier stepped up gently pushing Mya back. She picked up kordei rocking him back & fourth as tears fell down her cheek.

"Is there anything that could be done to prevent you from taking the child?" He asked.

"If she has a place for the baby to go. Then she'll be able to, but." Samantha dragged. "The baby has to have some type of relation or blood to the family—like the father, her mother, her dad, aunts, uncles, cousins...."

" I have relations to the baby."

"And what is that?"

"Me knowing him." He tried reasoning.

"Nice try son, but that doesn't work with me." She stated aloud. Everybody looked around quiet in disbelief.

Shelly could tell what was wrong with her. She could tell this would eat her up alive after this all happened.

Cartier eyes shot up. "Imma call Malik." She was semi-yelled running over to the phone.

She tried calling the first time, but she got no answer. Another time she tried & he didn't answer. She called him at least eight more times before walking back to Myas room.

She didn't understand why he wasn't answering. It's like he didn't want to speak or having nothing to do with them, or shall we say her.

But that wasn't the problem. Like before Malik's phone broke while out of town & isn't getting a new one til he made it back in the states, plus how would they get his number anyway???

Mya watched as her friend walked back over with a sad look on her face. She sniffled before simply saying. "He didn't answer." And that was it. The lady walked in closer trying to get ahold of Kordei. He started crying aloud tightly holding on to Myas shirt.

He held him back tightly. "Please don't take my baby." She pleaded crying her eyes out. The lady didn't care she just snatched the baby from her arms shaking her head. She never experienced what it was like to loose a kid & she seen. But she didn't care, it didn't faze her. She still took the baby roughly holding him on her side. She scrunched her face up at him before walking out.

Xavier day next to her holding her tightly against his chest. He was trying to comfort her in the best way possible. But he didn't know how.

At that point Mya didn't give a fuck about MALIK nor TAY for getting her baby taken away.

It was a lot more people that she didn't give a fuck about, but she was gonna wait to handle them when she was a free person.

It was fuck everybody til she got her son back.

Even the author for doin her dirty like this....

Y'all I'm So Sorry. I'm Hella Late. My Phone Was Fuckin Up N Allat Extra Shii. But I'm Here Y'all.

Ummmmm. Hint......They're Free Next Chap.



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