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Raelin In MM. 🌈.

2 Months Later...

Third Person....

Mya stood looking around clueless as another female was brought into the facility. She was pretty in her mind—light brown eyes, slender nose, and small full lips.

They escorted her into a room right next to Myas. The girl looked around smiling at Mya when she seen her staring.

"Hi." She waved slightly, before being forcibly pushed into her room.

Mya gritted her teeth not liking the way they treated females in this facility especially the pregnant ones.

She walked back in her room going over to Kordei. He gave her a gummy smile which made her laugh.

"Hey baby." She cooed tickling his stomach. "Hey mommas boy." He started laughing & putting his fist in his mouth.

Cartier stood outside her door watching & also feeling bad. Kordei was older than Sanai by a month which meant he would be leaving before her.

He was now seven months & crawling. His bottom tooth had grown in and he had a full head of hair. He looked just like Malik.

Cartier wanted so bad for her brother to know that he had a son, but her mom was against it. She was being selfish & everybody else around her knew that.

"Hey nephew." Cartier cooed.

Mya laughed watching as her son & her best friend interacted. She liked it that way & hoped it would stay like that forever.

Only in her dreams though.....

Mya got up walking over to the room next to hers. She knocked lowly waiting for a response. "Hello. Can I come in?" She asked nicely.

The door opened revealing a pretty girl. She looked to be around their age or older. Her hair was in a slick back ponytail hanging down her back.

"Umm. Can I help you?" She asked.

"Uh. I seen how they pushed you & I wanted to ask if you were ok. They shouldn't be pushin no female like dat especially a pregnant one."

"Your the first person that actually cared & I thank you for that. My names Raelin by the way." She held her hand out for Mya to shake.

She accepted replying back. "My names Mya."

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." She flirted. Mya could feel it & had to turn her down cause she'on swing that was especially when she has a kid.

"Ian gay or anything, but I appreciate the compliment."

Raelin nodded her head understanding. "I can dig it. I don't like you though I was just being nice."

"Anyway how did you end up in here?" Mya asked being nosy.

"Damn all up in my business, but ok." She furrowed her eyebrows. Mya was a little taken back by the response but decided not to speak on it.

"I'm in here for kidnap and attempted murder. They gave me two years because it was practically self defense, but I can get out early if I have good behavior." She shrugged her shoulders.

Mya eyes nearly popped out her head. "And what made you do that?"

"I was raped by him which ended up having me  pregnant. I came here because of it, but I'm sooned to be transferred."

"Well damn. That's a lot. I'm sorry for you though. I can understand."

"Oh yeah you have a better story?" She questioned pulling out some weed and a backwood, preparing to roll it up.

"The hell." She mumbled watching her roll. "But yeah I think I do."


"When I was younger I was molested & raped by my uncles friends. All three of them at that. Two raped me & one always played or felt on me every time he came around." She waved her off taking the blunt out her hand & giving it a puff. It's been a year & a half since she's smoked. She really needed this.

"And I was sent here because of me & my best friend supposedly almost killing some female. Ain't none of us touch that girl. We ain't even know she existed." They both chuckled high as hell.

"Yo can I vent." Mya asked. Raelin thought about for a second bidding her head.

"Go head."

"Don't chu ever feel like your the only that actually cares for something more than others. I mean yeah he's my son N all, but I feel like he needs his grandmother (s), or his father to be their for him. My mommas left me, his father doesn't know about him, I have nowhere for him to go, so boom that automatically puts him in the system. Ian never gone see my baby again." Mya cried. She didn't understand why she would tell all her business to a girl she barely knew, never mind that a girl she just met. But she felt like Raelin would understand more since they've almost been through a lot of similar shit.

"I understand girl. Same over here. At first when I found out Ian want this baby. I wanted to kill it & move in in life, but I thought against it. With the help of my brother I knew my baby would be fine. Ion have no mom nor no dad. It's just me and my four other siblings." She vented next.

Mya nodded her head laughing after it all. Raelin did the same as they hugged on each other. "You'll get through life babygirl. It'll take time though." Raelin kissed Mya on her cheek, then laid back down on her bed.

My nodded getting up & walking back over to her room. Cartier heard everything she said & decided to do something about it. She was going to have a long talk with her mom about the whole situation & see where things would go from their.

I Did It. Whoooo. Another One.

There Is More To Come. Just Wait Y'all.

I Also Wanna Give A Shoutout To nias-draco , itsboosie , The_Name_Is_Lay , & nanigdadoll For Helping Me Out Wit Some Names For The Upcoming Character In This Book. Thnx Loves😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰



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