Squirreltail's Darkness -Chapter 2-

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Squirreltail heard the sounds of Sandfoot organizing patrols, she listened closely as she assigned each cat to a task. "When the dawn patrol returns I want Bramblepelt to lead a patrol to the AshClan border, make sure that Thornstar hasn't tried anything. Take Goldenleaf, Rainears, Rustpelt, Fawnheart and Cloudspots with you. While they are out I want a hunting patrol near the MoonClan border with Brackenpelt, Riverstorm, Willownose and Cinderflame."

Squirreltail's attention was pulled away as pawsteps approached her, she sniffed the air and caught the scent of Rosepaw and Icepetal. "How are you feeling today?" Rosepaw purred as she approached her mother, Squirreltail felt warmed by her daughter's enthusiasm.

"I'm doing alright, how was your training?" Squirreltail questioned.

"It was awesome!" Rosepaw exclaimed. "I love having Cherrypaw and Briarpaw back in camp, I didn't realize just how much I missed them!"

"I'm glad you have your friends back." Squirreltail purred.

"I brought you some prey." Rosepaw set something down in front of Squirreltail's paws, she sniffed it and caught the scent of mouse.

"Thank you, Rosepaw." Squirreltail was grateful to her daughter, in the time that she had lost her sight, Rosepaw had been doing everything she could to help out Squirreltail. I'm lucky to have such an amazing family. Rosepaw, Brackenpelt, Redclaw, Sandfoot and Rustpelt were always checking in on her, bringing her prey and offering to help her with anything she needed.

It was both annoying and incredibly wonderful at the same time, she felt frustrated that she needed so much help but it felt good to have so many cats care for her. She had been living without her vision for a while now, and it had been a half-moon since Dawnstar, Cinderflame and Yarrowtail unexpectedly returned with Cherrypaw and Briarpaw from AshClan territory.

SunClan welcomed back their apprentices, and Squirreltail knew that Applespots was incredibly happy to have her kits back. She had returned to duties and was acting like a normal warrior again. I wish I could return to duties.

Squirreltail had moved out of the medicine cat den and back into the warrior's den and had quickly memorized the camp, but often found herself stepping on loose branches or brambles as the warriors rebuilt the camp. However, she was still unable to hunt or go on patrols. I wish I could just try.

Squirreltail lifted her head, Pebblestep was out of camp gathering herbs and wouldn't be back for a while, Brackenpelt was on patrol and Redclaw was out hunting. No one would be able to stop me. Rosepaw left to go do some more apprentice tasks, and Squirreltail was left unsupervised. She flexed her claws into the ashy ground, taking a deep breath. I've traversed this forest countless times. She told herself. I could easily find my way around. However, most of SunClan was still out and about in camp, someone would question her if she decided to leave.

Squirreltail would just have to wait until nighttime, hunting in the dark wouldn't make any difference to her. She just had to be patient.

Squirreltail listened to her sleeping Clanmates, she could hear their breaths and gentle snoring as they slept. Right beside her was Brackenpelt, his pelt brushing up against hers. She had to be careful not to wake up. Squirreltail carefully shuffled away from her mate before standing up. She was in the middle of the den, so she had to watch her paws to make sure she didn't trip over anyone.

She stepped out with her forepaw, moving it forward until she felt fur graze her paw pads. She did this until she was able to find a pawstep between two sleeping figures. Very quietly and carefully, Squirreltail made her way out of the den and into the camp. She knew that Snowtail was keeping guard tonight, but she would be focused on the camp entrance.

If Squirreltail was quiet enough, she would be able to make a clean escape out of camp. She kept low to the ground and focused on her pawsteps. Carefully testing the ground before each step she made. She nudged a few twigs and leaves, but none of them seem to have alerted Snowtail.

Squirreltail knew she was nearly the camp's back entrance, she could feel the breeze on her face and she could smell the trees. She just had a little farther to go before she was free into the forest. She could already feel the forest floor under her paws, she longed to feel the thrill of the hunt again.

Finally, Squirreltail's paws met the incline and she climbed out of the camp. She still wanted to get far away from the camp, so she kept going. She needed to pass the apprentice den so she wouldn't make any noise. She crept through the forest, she could hear leaves rustling and crickets chirping in the darkness.

She wished she could see it, but Squirreltail pictured the forest in her mind and kept on walking forward. If she wanted to prove herself, she would have to catch something. She would need to catch at least one piece of prey to prove that she could still be useful to the Clan! Squirreltail sniffed the air, picking through the scent of leaves and grass to finally catch the smell of a mouse.

Dropping into a crouch, Squirreltail used her scent to track the mouse. She found its trail but she had no idea how far away it was, she couldn't hear it or see it. Where are you, you stupid mouse. She hissed quietly. She stood still, listening for any movement. She finally heard the scuffling of tiny paws and she braced herself to pounce. She tried to picture where the mouse was inside her head, but that's all she had to go off of.

Squirreltail fell into a hunting pounce, she hadn't done this in a while so it felt a little strange but she knew she could do it. I have to do this! With all of her might, Squirreltail pounced. She sprang forward and her forepaws jammed into a large rock, sending her tumbling tail over head.

She hissed in pain and came to a stop flat on her back. Her paws ached and so did her pride. A sharp feeling of uselessness crept into her, all she wanted to do was hunt. To prove that she could do something, but it was becoming painfully clear to her that she couldn't. Why did this have to happen to me? She wondered.

"Squirreltail!" A call from camp filled the air, it was Brackenpelt. Letting out a groan, Squirreltail shifted onto her paws, giving her injured ones a quick lick, they weren't bleeding, just sore. She could hear Brackenpelt's heavy pawsteps running towards her. "There you are!" He quickly swarmed her, sniffing all over her pelt. Usually, Squirreltail would've enjoyed this but now she was just irritated. She backed away from her mate, lashing her tail.

"What are you doing out here? You could've been hurt!"

"Well I wasn't." Squirreltail growled, he was talking to her like she was a kit! "I'm fine, I was trying to hunt."

"Squirreltail that's dangerous, especially by yourself! I know you want to hunt again, but--"

"You don't know anything!" Squirreltail lashed out. "You have no idea what this feels like. You have no idea what it feels like to feel completely useless, unable to see the world around you when just a few moons ago you could! I'm a warrior who can't hunt or fight, I can't do anything!"

"Squirreltail," Brackenpelt's voice was softer now. "I-I'm sorry." She could feel his tail brush her flank. "You're right, I don't know what you're feeling, I couldn't even imagine it. But I do know that I love you, and I want you to be safe. You want to hunt and do something to prove yourself, but do you really think running out into the forest in the middle of the night is going to solve anything? If you get hurt your Clanmates are going to try and help you more."

Squirreltail knew that Brackenpelt had a point, she just hated what the point was. All she wanted was to feel useful again, to do something. Anything. "I'm sorry." She said under her breath. "I feel like I'm trapped, I just want to feel like I'm worth something to the Clan."

Brackenpelt touched his nose to Squirreltail's cheek, she breathed in his scent and focused solely on him. "Well you're worth the entire forest and more to me. You will always have a place in my heart, and you will in SunClan as well. Even if it takes a while, you will find your true place in this Clan."

Squirrelpelt fell against her mate, regretting pushing him away earlier. She pressed into his fur. "Thank you, Brackenpelt. I couldn't do this without you."

"You're stronger than you think, my love." He rasped his tongue over her ears, her eyelids grow heavy at the feeling. "Now, let's go get some sleep."

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