Poppyfur's Betrayal -Epilogue-

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    “Can you smell this?” Poppyfur questioned, holding a piece of wild garlic up to Pebblekit’s scarred nose. Pebblekit shook her head, looking disappointed.
    “I can’t.” Pebblekit mewed. “I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t apologize, Pebblekit.” Poppyfur assured the she-cat, setting the garlic aside. If she couldn’t smell garlic she wouldn’t be able to smell anything else. “Let me see your nose.” Pebblekit extended her neck so Poppyfur could get a good look at it. The hawk that had nearly carried her and Dawnpaw away severely damaged Pebblekit’s face. She had three jagged claw marks down her entire face.
    She had lost the majority of vision in her left eye and her nose had been the most damaged part of her. Poppyfur feared that she would never be able to return Pebblekit’s sense of smell. How can she be a warrior without scent? Poppyfur questioned, it kept her from sleeping most nights.
    She was almost six moons old, her siblings Yarrowkit and Cinderkit would becoming apprentices any day now and Poppyfur wanted Pebblekit to share the moment with them. “Why don’t you go sit down and play with this?” Poppyfur nudged forward a small piece of moss for the kit to play with. “Redclaw is coming in soon for his wound dressing.”
    SunClan had fought a battle against AshClan a half-moon ago and several wounds still needed tending to. None of them stayed in the medicine cat den with Poppyfur, it was only her and Pebblekit. Poppyfur had long grown used to sleeping alone in her den, but having Pebblekit around had been wonderful. Despite her injury the kit was full of life and hope, Poppyfur wished she could be that age again. Before all the heartache she had faced in her life.
    Honeywing’s death had been seasons ago, but sometimes the nightmares came back. Branchfur had a family of his own now and Poppyfur must only be a memory to him by now. Poppyfur had found her own form of peace, following Honeywing’s wishes and healing SunClan.
    She faced a constant dilemma when it came to Dawnpaw, however. She knew the she-cat was destined for greatness but she had forced the she-cat to watch her own sister die. Dawnpaw seemed to be adjusting, but she was also reckless at times. Though if it wasn’t for her, Pebblekit would be dead. Poppyfur pushed the thoughts away as Redclaw stepped into the medicine cat den.
    “There you are.” Poppyfur mewed. “Have a sit by my nest and we’ll get a clean dressing on that wound.”
    “When can I go back to my warrior duties?” Redclaw asked, as he usually did everytime he came into her den.
    “Soon, hopefully.” Poppyfur grabbed some goldenrod and look a look at Redclaw’s wound. It was healing nicely with no sign of infection. “I’d say in a few days.” Poppyfur mewed. “Just be gentle.”
    As Poppyfur was helping Redclaw, Dawnpaw came by with prey. The young she-cat had been constantly checking on Pebblekit and her own wound had healed cleanly. “Hello there, Dawnpaw.” Poppyfur greeted the apprentice. “Are those pieces of prey for us?” Dawnpaw nodded and set down the prey.
    “Thank you, Dawnpaw!” Pebblekit chriped and jumped out of her nest to start eating. Poppyfur turned her attention back to Redclaw, nearly done when she heard Adderpaw enter her den. Poppyfur looked at the tabby apprentice, he was favoring one of his forepaws and had a grimace of pain on his face.
    “Something wrong, Adderpaw?” She questioned before turning back to Redclaw.
Adderpaw nodded, looking at his paw. “I stepped on a thorn while training today, I pulled it out but it still hurts really bad. Crowfur thinks it might be infected, she told me to come and see you.” He explained.
    “Sit down, I’ll get to you in just a moment.” Poppyfur instructed and Adderpaw sat down beside where Dawnpaw was standing. Poppyfur heard tiny pawsteps and Pebblekit moved across the den.
    “May I?” Pebblekit asked, Poppyfur stopped what she was doing and looked at Pebblekit. She touched a paw gently to Adderpaw’s injured paw pads. “It feels hot, and that means it’s swollen and could become infected. I think Poppyfur uses either horsetail or marigold to treat that.” Poppyfur couldn’t believe what she had just heard, she had never heard a kit spout completely accurate medical advice before.
    Dawnpaw was looking at Pebblekit with surprise as well. “What?” Pebblekit mewed, looking somewhat uncomfortable.
“You’re done, Redclaw.” Poppyfur mewed, turning back to the red warrior. “Remember to take it easy.” With that, Redclaw gave a nod and left the medicine cat den. Poppyfur stood up and looked down at Pebblekit. “Why don’t you go play with your littermates for a while, I’m sure they’re up by now.” Poppyfur needed to think about what had just happened. She’s been in here for a while, I suppose it’s not that strange, but still...she remembered so perfectly.
    “Okay!” Pebblekit bounded out of the medicine cat den without arguing, leaving Poppyfur, Dawnpaw and Adderpaw in the den. Poppyfur approached Adderpaw and took his paw with hers, it was hot and she could smell a faint infection. She was right. “Pebblekit was right, it’s swollen but not infected. She was also right about the treatment.” Poppyfur treated his paw with marigold just as Pebblekit suggested.
“Have you been teaching Pebblekit about herbs?” Dawnpaw questioned, Poppyfur didn’t answer until she had chewed the herb into a poultice.
    “I’d talk about herbs but I didn’t think she was listening.” Poppyfur replied, what kit would want to learn about herbs? “She always looked so bored in here.”
    “Maybe she learned more than you think.” Dawnpaw mewed, hesitating for a moment. Her green eyes lit up slightly. “What if Pebblekit became your apprentice?”
    Poppyfur’s eyes went wide. What? Poppyfur hadn’t even considered it, she couldn’t even remember the last time she thought about taking an apprentice. Could I even train one properly? She also didn’t want to rob Pebblekit of the chance of being a warrior. But then again...she can’t smell anything. “Would she even want to? I always figured that she wanted to be a warrior alongside her littermates.”
    Dawnpaw’s eyes glittered with sadness. “I don’t think that’s really an option for her. She can’t track prey, she can’t find borders. At least with herbs you can see them and they don’t run away, she can feel infections with her paws. She would probably enjoy being a medicine cat a lot more than being a warrior who can’t hunt.” Poppyfur finished dressing Adderpaw’s injury and dismissed him.
    Is that really what Pebblekit would want? “I’ll think about it.” Poppyfur promised Dawnpaw. “And I’ll ask her if she wants to be my apprentice.” Dawnpaw left Poppyfur alone to to think, and Poppyfur stared at her paws. She knew she would have to take an apprentice eventually, but she was terrified. She didn’t want to let another cat down, she questioned if she would be able to properly train an apprentice. I promised Honeywing I would be the best I could be for SunClan. Poppyfur reminded herself, eventually she would need an apprentice.
    Pebblekit was eager, kind and smart. She would make an incredibly apprentice. Perhaps I could train her to be better than me. To be the medicine cat that SunClan truly deserves. Poppyfur waited in her den until Pebblekit returned to get her wounds looked at. “Hey, Pebblekit.” Poppyfur mewed once Pebblekit had settled down.
    “Yes, Poppyfur?”
    “Are you...interested in herbs?” She questioned. “You were completely right about Adderpaw’s thorn injury today.”
    “I didn’t at first,” Pebblekit mewed. “But you and your herbs saved my life. It’s kind of hard not to think about them in a different way. I wanted to know what each herb did, so I started paying attention to what you used and what it did. I guess I just kind of figured it out.” She shrugged. “No one wants to say it, but I know that I can’t be a warrior.” Poppyfur’s heart dropped. “I know I can’t, and that’s okay. I just wanted to find something else I could be useful at, you know?”
    “I understand.” Poppyfur sat down beside Pebblekit. “I know what it feels like, wanting to be useful at something. I was a terrible warrior apprentice, but then I realized I really wanted to be a medicine cat and Honeywing took me on as her apprentice.” Pebblekit looked up in confusion. “I guess what I’m trying to say is,” Poppyfur took a deep breath. “Would you like to become my apprentice? I could teach you all the herbs and you could save lives just as I saved yours. You wouldn’t need your sense of smell, I could teach you all that I know.”
    “R-really?” Pebblekit’s eyes went wide, flooding with hope. “You really want me as your apprentice?” Poppyfur looked down at this kit, who nearly lost her life and lost her chance at becoming a warrior. She was so hopeful, so happy. Poppyfur could really use a cat like this, a cat to truly keep her paws busy. Perhaps Pebblekit could finally help Poppyfur move past Honeywing’s death.
    “I really do.” Poppyfur mewed. “I couldn’t think of anything more exciting.”
    “Then yes! Yes I’ll become your apprentice!” Pebblekit began jumping in circles around Poppyfur. “Oh, thank you Poppyfur! Thank you so much! I promise I will be the best medicine cat ever!”
    Watching Pebblekit get excited filled Poppyfur with hope, something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. Old emotions of joy, happiness and excitement filled her paws. She had missed this feelings, and this time they felt genuine. This is a new beginning for not only Pebblekit, but me as well.


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