Branchfur's Code -Chapter 5-

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 "I wanted to announce to the Clan that I've Barkclaw has officially earned his full medicine cat name." Sagefeather spoke from in front of the High Stump. "He has become an incredible medicine cat and I am so proud to have trained him."

"Barkclaw! Barkclaw! Barkclaw!" The cats of LichenClan cheered for their newest medicine cat while Barkclaw kept his head lowered humbly, but Branchpaw could see the pure excitement in his eyes. Stormsong and Timberfall rushed up to their son and Branchpaw followed them.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you!" Stormsong nuzzled Barkclaw's cheek. "I'm so glad you were able to take my place as medicine cat."

"We're both proud of you." Timberfall spoke boldly, giving Barkclaw a powerful, respectful bow of the head.

"I'm proud of you too." Branchpaw stepped forward to face his brother, and he was proud he was just upset that he hadn't been made a warrior yet. It had been nearly a moon since Brackenheart's ceremony and Branchpaw was feeling more and more impatient with each passing day.

"Thanks, Branchpaw." Barkclaw purred. "And you'll be a warrior soon, I can see it."

"I'll be a warrior when I've earned it." Branchpaw mewed, which is something that he did truly believe but he also believed that he earned it a while ago, but if Elmheart didn't think he was ready then he clearly wasn't.

"You are a very honorable cat, Branchpaw." Timberfall mewed. "I know that when the time is right you will be an excellent warrior and an asset to LichenClan." Branchpaw nodded, his father was always encouraging him to be humble and honorable. Timberfall was a very stoic cat, but he was never afraid to show his love for Stormsong or his kits. Branchpaw hoped that whenever he had kits, he would be as good a father as Timberfall was.

"Well, I may be a full medicine cat now but that doesn't mean I have any less duties now. I need to go collect some fennel." Barkclaw dipped his head and started padding back towards the medicine cat den where Sagefeather had retreated to.

"Branchpaw!" A familiar voice called to Branchpaw from across the camp, Branchpaw lifted his head and turned towards the direction of the sound. He spotted Elmheart crossing the camp to meet up with his apprentice. Branchpaw looked up at his mentor curiously. "We're going on a patrol. We should head out now, Daisyfern doesn't want to wait forever."

"Alright." Branchpaw and Elmheart met up with the rest of the patrol which included Amberfall, Fieldfoot, Jaggedtail and Gingerdust

"Let's get going." Daisyfern mewed, taking her patrol out. The LichenClan deputy was respectable, she was confident and kind to all of the warriors. She never let patrols fall short and always made sure that everyone in LichenClan was fed. Branchpaw wondered how well LichenClan would fare come leaf-bare, he hoped everything would go on without any problems.

The patrol headed out into the forest, they were doing a patrol of the AshClan border. Ever since Elmheart started the fight between the two Clans there had been tensions at the border and they had to make sure that AshClan wouldn't try and retaliate. They crossed through the forest, which starting to turn shades of red, brown and gold as the seasons changed. Branchpaw wasn't excited for leaf-bare in the slightest, he had been just a kit during the last leaf-bare and he barely remembered it. As a warrior, it would be different.

He wouldn't be able to hide in the nursery, kept warm by Stormsong. He would have to brave the harsh wind and snow to hunt, and his pelt was so dark it was almost black. Hunting against the white forest would prove to be a challenge, as it was for most LichenClan cats. There weren't many of them who had lighter pelts. However, Branchpaw knew that LichenClan would survive, they always did.

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