Branchfur's Code -Chapter 7-

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"Branchfur you need to calm down!" Barkclaw pressed. "I told you that everything is going to be fine. She's in very capable paws."

Branchfur lashed his tail. "Then why are you out here and not in there!" He demanded with a hiss. "Those are my kits being born in there!" Barkclaw sighed and pushed Branchfur away.

"The kitting process doesn't start right away and somebody had to come out here and get you to relax." Barkclaw flicked his ears. "Now I need you to stay out here while I help Poppyfur, just don't come barging in." Barkclaw vanished into the darkness of the nursery while Branchfur was forced to wait outside. This is so stupid! He thought with annoyance. I should be in there with her!

He heard cries of pain and with each one, Branchfur's claws ripped into the earth beneath his paws. After what seemed like countless moons, the cries stopped and Barkclaw stepped outside. "Come in and see your kits, brother." Branchfur didn't need to be told a second time, he leapt to his paws and dashed into the nursery.

Inside he saw the beautiful Poppyfur, glowing with radiance. At her belly were three hungry kits. One was light brown, one was dark brown like Branchfur and the other was cream with black splotches just like Poppyfur. "Oh, Poppyfur." He breathed out, pressing his muzzle against the top of her head. "They're so beautiful, I'm so proud of you."

"They're amazing, aren't they." Poppyfur purred. "I knew I made the right choice, and now our lives can finally begin. And we will always be together. I love you Branchfur."

I love you Branchfur. Poppyfur's words rang inside Branchfur's mind, he opened his eyes and found himself in the warriors den. Instantly, Branchfur felt his heart begin to ache. It felt so real...Branchfur stared at his paws, wishing to close his eyes and return to his dream world. He had dreamt about Poppyfur before, but nothing as real as what he had just seen. This has to be my sign. Branchfur told himself. This is my sign that Poppyfur and I are destined to be together!

Branchfur started his day, eager for night to fall and to finally see Poppyfur again. She believes in dreams and signs, surely she will believe me when I say that this is a perfect sign for us to be together!

Leaf-bare had been cruel to LichenClan, Jumpstar had survived the bout of greencough but it had left him weak. A badger attack on the Clan caused the deaths of Jumpstar, Breezefall and Amberflame. Elmstar had claimed his title as leader and named Jaggedtail as his deputy to no one's surprise. The forest was still cold and bitter, and Sagefeather had also succumbed to the sickness that she fought against every season.

LichenClan missed Sagefeather, but Branchfur knew that his brother would guide LichenClan with pride and intelligence. Despite the cold, LichenClan was adjusting to their new lives under the rule of Elmstar, and Branchfur couldn't be happier to serve the cat that had made him into the warrior that he was today.

Branchfur went about his patrols as per usual, eagerly waiting the sun to fall and to finally set out to see Poppyfur. Once night finally came, Branchfur raced through the forest to see Poppyfur, she always believed in dreams and signs from StarClan so surely she would believe this was a sign as well. A sign for the two of them to be together forever, no matter what.

Branchfur reached the top of the hollow, seeing Poppyfur had arrived before him. They met gazes, and he could see that something was troubling her. Whatever it is. Branchfur thought. Surely this will cheer her up. Branchfur pranced down into the hollow, stopping when he reached Poppyfur. "Hey there." He greeted cheerfully. "You look as beautiful as ever." He touch his nose to her cheek, unable to stop himself from expressing his admiration of her.

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