Branchfur's Code -Chapter 9-

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"The time is upon us, LichenClan!" Elmstar's voice rang through the darkness. "It's time to show every single Clan in this forest that LichenClan will no longer hide in the shadows, we will make our presence and our threat, known." Most of LichenClan didn't seem to keen on fighting SunClan, but Branchfur would follow Elmstar no matter what. The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code. Elmstar will guide us to a stronger future. "The moon has started to rise, and it is time for our attack on SunClan."

Jaggedtail stood up at the base of the High Stump. "You all know where you're supposed to be. Remember your training and please remember, we're not attacking SunClan to kill them." Elmstar shot an sharp glance at Jaggedtail. That's what you think, Jaggedtail. Branchfur thought sharply. He had a plan, he knew what had to be done. The only thing that would fix the pain that tore him apart every single day.

Branchfur used to dream about his future with Poppyfur but after she betrayed him, his dreams had become darker. He dreamed of attacking her, tearing her apart and making her hurt in the way that she had hurt him. At first, they had shocked him but Branchfur couldn't deny the solace that they gave him. Poppyfur is going to suffer just as I have, I'll make sure of it.

During this battle Branchfur would seek out Poppyfur, he would make her pay for what she had done. I'll finally get my revenge and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me. Branchfur would fight by Elmstar's side, prove his loyalty to LichenClan and return feeling better than he had in a long time.

At long last, LichenClan set out into the darkness to lead their assault on SunClan. LichenClan would become a Clan to be feared in the forest, even AshClan would cower at their strength. Elmstar will lead us to a new future, a future that Jumpstar never could. They stuck to the shadows, the air was bitter and cold but would seen be forgotten in the heat of battle.

They reached the gathering hollow, a place where Branchfur's heart had been shattered by the same cat who made it feel whole. Never again would Branchfur allow that to happen. This ends tonight. He told himself, walking just behind Elmstar. They crossed the SunClan border and slunk through their territory, nearing the camp. Branchfur's paws tingled with anticipation, it wasn't long now, the camp was in their grasp.

Branchfur spotted the hollow where SunClan made their camp, Poppyfur had described to him the medicine cat den. It was a cavern in the back of the camp, if he could just make it there...He knew that getting to the medicine cat wouldn't be easy, but Branchfur knew that his opportunity would present itself when the time was right.

There was a long moment of silence, the quiet before battle. Branchfur braced himself for Elmstar's signal. He kept both amber eyes focused intently on his leader. Elmstar's own eyes burned fiercely in the darkness, looking directly at his target. Finally, Elmstar waved his tail and the LichenClan warriors charged forward.

It wasn't long until the Clan was aware, Branchfur noticed that a calico she-cat by the name of Sandfoot had noticed them quickly. "SunClan! SunClan! LichenClan is attacking!" The she-cat called out but was quickly thrown to the ground by Vinetail who overtook her.

The SunClan warriors swarmed out of the dens and fought back against the LichenClan invasion. Branchfur jumped on the first cat he could find, a large brown she-cat by the name of Leafwhisker. He ripped his claws into her pelt and the she-cat hissed in fury. Leafwhisker fought back with all her might, sinking her teeth into Branchfur's shoulder.

The two wrestled in the snow, sending sprays of white powder and blood across the forest floor. Branchfur raked his claws down Leafwhisker's side and she retaliated by kicking him hard in the stomach. Branchfur hissed and lashed his claws across Leafwhisker's face, leaving bleeding claw marks along her cheek.

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