Poppyfur's Betrayal -Chapter 3-

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"There must be something on your mind, Poppypaw." Brightclaw insisted, his eyes flooded with concern.

"There's not." Poppypaw retorted. "I told you I'm fine, I just suck at hunting." She lashed her tail. She wished her mentor would drop it.

"You've been an apprentice for three moons now, your skills should have improved by now. Is it me? Am I not teaching you well enough?"

Poppypaw felt guilt creep into her chest. "No, Brightclaw it's not you. I'm trying, I really am, I'm just struggling. I'm trying, I really am."

Brightclaw sighed. "I want to do everything that I can to help you, you're my apprentice and I want you to succeed." He rested his tail across her shoulders. "I want you to think about what you think you need and we'll work on it. I know you can do this, you have a lot of potential, I can see it."

"Thanks." Poppypaw said awkwardly. "I will, I'll let you know." Brightclaw gave her one last worried look before going to sit with Leafwhisker. Poppypaw stared at his paws. It's not his fault. I can't put all my focus into something I don't want to do. She didn't want to be a warrior, she wanted to be a medicine cat.

Ever since her realization, Poppypaw had grown sour and bitter towards her training. She was focused on herbs and StarClan, wondering what each herb did as she passed them in the forest and she had completely lost track of her warrior training, though it wasn't meant to be. If StarClan wanted me to be a medicine cat they would say so, wouldn't they? Poppypaw sighed and looked up towards the blue sky. Give me something, will you? I just want to be happy.

Poppypaw began hearing a commotion at the camp's entrance, she looked down from the sky to see Tallfern and Flowerpelt stepping into camp. Tallfern's fur was wet, and both she-cats carried limp bundles of fur on their backs. What happened? Poppypaw's stood on end and she craned her neck to see.

Poppypaw noticed Brightclaw jumping to his paws and going over to the two she-cats. "What in the name of StarClan happened?" He questioned with shock.

"It was an accident..." Flowerpelt's voice was strained and exhausted. "I'll explain more later..." Poppypaw stood up and realized with alarm that the lumps of fur were the bodies of Berrypaw and Feathernose. No. Poppypaw stared in horror. How did this happen? Flowerpelt and Tallfern set down their bodies and went separate directions. Tallfern looked horrified, her blue eyes were haunted. She found Cloudstorm, Barkfang and Windpaw to tell them while Flowerpelt went to the medicine cat den to tell Honeywing.

Poppypaw couldn't take her eyes off Feathernose. I didn't mean this! This isn't what I wanted!

"Poppypaw!" Brightclaw called Poppypaw's name, pulling her out of her own thoughts. She stood up, dragging her paws towards her mentor. "We're going on patrol." Poppypaw looked at the group of cats she would be going with, Flowerpelt, Thornpelt and Mallownose. She didn't feel like going on patrol, but she didn't complain.

It had been a moon since Feathernose's death and Poppypaw felt hollow from it. Honeywing was alone in the medicine cat, free to take an apprentice but Poppypaw felt wrong asking. Feathernose just died. I'm sure she doesn't want an apprentice right now. Poppypaw had told herself over and over, despite the longing to become a medicine cat. It had become so painful to her, it was all she thought about. Even when she visited with Branchpaw at the gathering the day before her mind was somewhere else.

As the patrol headed out, Poppypaw couldn't find it in her to focus on the patrol. She stared off into the sky, wondering how things could be different if she really was a medicine cat. Would I be happier? She wondered, and she knew that she would. Feathernose was such a well respected cat, so is Honeywing. I want to be respected, right now I'm just a disappointment to my Clan and my mentor.

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