Branchfur's Code -Chapter 8-

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Branchfur hadn't slept, Elmstar's words echoed loudly in his mind, nearly drowning out all of his thoughts. Of course Poppyfur would pick him, she loved him. I love Poppyfur and she loves me. Branchfur had told himself over and over again, but still anxiety and fear wrecked his entire body. Branchfur couldn't imagine what he would do if Poppyfur rejected him, she was the only thing that he ever wanted. And if she says yes...Branchfur had to hold onto his hope as hard as he could. If she says yes then Elmstar will welcome her into the Clan! I'll finally have Poppyfur at my side. Branchfur wanted to think of only his certain future, but the darkness that crept inside his heart was driving him mad.

Branchfur wasn't sure how he would be able to get through the day, he needed it be to night. He needed to get his answer, he needed to know. Just stay focused. Branchfur told himself. If tonight goes how I know it will, then the rest of my days will be perfect. Branchfur thought confidently. And if it doesn't? Branchfur shook his head, that was just something that he couldn't think of.

During his patrols, Branchfur couldn't focus on the world around him. The only thing in his mind was Poppyfur. He watched Ashstream and Rabbitwing fawn over their kits, the amount of love in their eyes was unmistakable. Soon, that will be me. He pictured the image from his dream, Poppyfur with three beautiful kits. That's everything I want, and it's everything that I will have.

As Branchfur went about his day, he tried to ignore Elmstar as much as possible. Everytime he caught the leader's eyes, they burned into him like the rays of the sun. He couldn't take it, the wait until he saw Poppyfur was eating at him to the point of it being almost unbearable.

Several times during the day, he had to step out of camp or off to the side and catch his breath and calm himself down. He couldn't count how many times he had picture the ideal situation in his head, refusing to even think about the bad. There will be no bad. Branchfur reminded himself. Only good. Our future will come true tonight, I just know it.

Finally, the sun fell to the moon and LichenClan started to settle down. Branchfur forced himself to eat as he hadn't been able to during the day and finally laid down in his nest with his Clanmates. He curled up in the dark den and waited for his denmates to finally settle down. He felt an urge to claw the ears off Willowstrike and Owlheart who refused to stop talking.

After what seemed like the entire night, the den and surrounding camp was completely silent. Branchfur didn't have to feel guilty about seeing Poppyfur tonight, afterall Elmstar was expecting him to go see her. Branchfur crept out of his den as he had done since the first night he saw Poppyfur as an apprentice and crept into the forest.

He had done this walk countless times, but it seemed longer than ever. The forest seemed to go on forever, the pounding in his heart was painful in his chest and he was convinced that the entire forest could hear it. Stay strong. Branchfur told himself. You know she will say yes. She has to.

As he trekked through the forest, he practiced what he wanted to say to her but found every single instance impossible. I don't know how to do this, I thought it would be so much easier! Why is this suddenly so painful for me? During their entire relationship, Branchfur had never once felt pain or fear. Something about Poppyfur always seemed so certain, she kept him grounded and kept him sane. Now, however, it seemed like Poppyfur would be the one to drive him into madness. Just focus, idiot. Branchfur told himself. If she says no--and I return to Elmstar he is surely going to claw my ears off.

He finally, after walking for an eternity, reached the hollow. Poppyfur had arrived before him once again and Branchfur looked down at her, his heart beginning to ache. He felt like he was going to be sick, a fog had taken over his entire mind and body. Branchfur forced himself down into the hollow. He dragged his paws behind him, now that he was finally face to face with Poppyfur, he wanted to turn and run away. Just do it!

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