Poppyfur's Betrayal -Chapter 7-

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Poppyfur stared at her paws, the cold was only a second thought. Her first thought was Branchfur, he was all she had been thinking about. Her aching heart had distracted her from her duties and she was sure someone, most likely Honeywing, would notice soon. I have to do something. She told herself, but she didn't want to. Just a few days ago, Stormwind had given birth to Stormkit and Poppyfur found herself incredibly envious as she watched her and Snakewhisker fawn over their sweet kit. I wonder if Branchfur would be a good father. Poppyfur pondered, imagining the handsome tom train young kits, it warmed her heart.

Poppyfur's ears twitched as she heard pawsteps, she looked up to see Flowerpelt padding towards her. Oh great. Poppyfur could only guess that Flowerpelt wanted to know what was wrong. Should I tell her? Flowerpelt was the one who had convinced her to follow her dream of being a medicine cat.

"Hey, is everything okay? I've noticed you've been looking distracted and kind of sad." Flowerpelt questioned with concern in her voice.

I can't. Poppyfur forced her attention away. "It's nothing, I'm fine." She brushed Flowerpelt off, hoping she would drop the subject but also knowing she wouldn't.

Flowerpelt was clearly unconvinced. "Come on, Poppyfur. If you can talk to anyone, you can talk to me. I'm the one you talked to when you wanted to be a medicine cat, remember?" Poppyfur's heart twisted, she wanted to tell someone. Her heart ached, maybe it would help? Poppyfur lifted her head, looking around camp for any sign of Honeywing.

"Okay," She lowered her voice. "But we can't talk about it here, follow me." Poppyfur stood up and began heading out of camp.

"Just follow me if you want me to tell you!" Poppyfur cut her off with a sharp hiss, she didn't have time or patience to explain why. Flowerpelt narrowed her pale eyes but followed Poppyfur out of the back entrance of camp. Poppyfur's heart pounded in her chest. This is stupid, I shouldn't tell her. It was too late however, she already told Flowerpelt she would. Poppyfur led her to the moss hollow and they sat down, she took a deep breath. "Okay...you have to promise not to tell any cat about this okay?"

Flowerpelt seemed slightly uncomfortable at having to keep a secret and Poppyfur feared she may not agree. However, Flowerpelt nodded. "I promise." Her voice was genuine, soothing Poppyfur's fears slightly.

Poppyfur tried to speak, but found her throat dry. I shouldn't do this. She took another deep breath. "I..." She struggled to speak, suddenly wishing to run away from the whole conversation. "For the past couple moons...I've been kind of...seeing a LichenClan cat..." She finally forced the words out. Flowerpelt's jaw dropped and her eyes widened with shock.

"What do you mean...seeing?"

"Seeing as in we've been meeting in secret." Poppyfur snapped, then calmed herself down. "I'm sorry it's just...I know it's wrong. I wanted so badly to be a medicine cat, but then I met him..." She closed her eyes, Flowerpelt didn't say anything and Poppyfur forced herself to continue. His name is Branchfur, we met when we were apprentices and we've been meeting for a long time...I'm really happy around him."

She dropped her head, Poppyfur felt defeated. "I know I can't be with him, but it hurts to think about not being with him. I can't tell Honeywing because I'm scared she'll tell me I can't be a medicine cat anymore."

"Do you still want to be a medicine cat?" Flowerpelt questioned, Poppyfur looked up in surprise.

"Of course I do!" She shouted. "I want nothing more than to be a medicine cat, it's the thing I love most." Her answer flooded into her mind, but it ripped her apart. The pain was almost too much to handle. She lowered her voice once more. "I know I need to say goodbye to Branchfur, I'm just not sure how to do it."

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