Poppyfur's Betrayal -Chapter 6-

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Poppyfur slipped into the shadows of SunClan's territory. She left through the back entrance that led towards the moss hollow. The moon was high in the sky with the stars shimmering above. The air was brisk, burning Poppyfur's ear tips and the frost ridden grown biting at her paws. It's getting too cold for this. Poppyfur thought, but her heart wanted more. If she could just make it to the gathering hollow then she could be warm with Branchfur.

She travelled silently through the forest, towards the river and eventually reaching the gathering hollow. They had been meeting almost every single night for three moons, it had started out innocent with Branchfur really teaching her how to fight. She had enjoyed the lessons, or she had thought she did. Poppyfur soon realized that she didn't really care about the lessons, she wanted to spend time with Branchfur.

Once she became a full medicine cat, Branchfur told Poppyfur how he really felt. Poppyfur, this has never been about training. His words echoed in her mind every single night. I just wanted to see more of you, and even now that's all I want. She held onto those words every day when they parted ways. When she was gathering herbs she pictured his amber eyes, his soothing voice and thick, soft fur that kept her warm at night.

Poppyfur knew that what they were doing was incredibly wrong. Not only am I a medicine cat...but he's from another Clan. Deep down Poppyfur knew that it would never work, but her heart refused to admit it. Poppyfur stepped into the gathering hollow, she spotted Branchfur's dark pelt sitting at the base of the LichenClan tree.

"Good evening." Poppyfur greeted as she spotted him. Branchfur lifted his head and hurried up to her. Their muzzles touched and Poppyfur's heart skipped a beat.

"How was your day?" Branchfur questioned, pressing his pelt against hers. Poppyfur instantly felt warmed by his touch.

"Cold, but good." Poppyfur replied, closing her eyes and focusing only on his voice. "Yours?"

"Also good." Branchfur replied. "Though Jumpstar is sick."

"He is?" Poppyfur opened her eyes. How many lives did the leader have left? "Is he going to be okay."

"I don't know." Branchfur shrugged. "He was old when he became leader, Birdstar lived for so long. It may be his time, and I think Elmheart would make an incredible leader."

Poppyfur felt uncomfortable sharing such a conversation, he should be worried for his leader? Poppyfur didn't even want to think about losing Foxstar. She knew Mallownose would make a great leader if it did happen, but it wasn't something she would ever think about. It's not what Mallownose would want.

"I hope he gets better." Poppyfur mewed. "He always seemed like such a kind leader. SunClan and LichenClan have never really had any reason to fight, being that we don't share a border."

"Enough about Clan life." Branchfur touched his nose to Poppyfur's once more. "I don't want to think about any of that, we're not in our Clans right now. We're together, and that's all that matters."

"Right." Poppyfur purred, pushing her thoughts away. Right now, I'm not a SunClan medicine cat and he's not a LichenClan warrior. We're just Poppyfur and Branchfur. The two settled down underneath the LichenClan tree, sharing stories of their day and even sharing long moments of silence while Branchfur rasped his tongue over Poppyfur's ears. Everything is so perfect. Poppyfur thought, her mind drifting off.

Poppyfur forgot that they were from different Clans, she imagined herself as a queen with Branchfur's kits. Strong toms and caring she-cats. Dark brown, black and cream just like them. With fierce and gentle amber and green eyes. Poppyfur had pictured her future, a future that she wanted.

The image shattered as Poppyfur finally remembered what was. I'm a medicine cat. She thought, her heart breaking as she remembered. I can't have kits. Poppyfur was overwhelmed with sadness. She buried her nose into Branchfur's chest, trying to push the thoughts away. We can't be together, and I know that. So why am I so heartbroken?

"Is everything okay?" Branchfur questioned softly.

"Yes." Poppyfur lied, she didn't want to ruin the moment with her fears. She just wanted to focus on the two of them. That's something we will have to deal with later. Poppyfur decided, hoping that it would be far away. All I want is him, is that too much to ask?

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