Branchfur's Code -Chapter 4-

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Branchpaw's paws were steady, his gaze focused intently on the squirrel ahead of him. If he did this wrong, the squirrel would be able to escape in the trees that surrounded him. The squirrel was oblivious to what was about to happen, which is exactly what Branchpaw wanted. He narrowed his eyes and took a deep yet silent breath.

He dashed forward as fast as his paws would carrying him and before the squirrel even had time to react, Branchpaw caught it and killed it. He felt pride in his catch but he wasn't done yet. Somewhere in the trees, Elmheart was watching him and he wouldn't be happy if Branchpaw wasted any time at all.

He and Brackenpaw were currently doing an assessment, it was a warrior assessment for Brackenpaw but just a normal assessment for Branchpaw. He took it just as seriously as if it would've been his warrior assessment,however, as hunting should always be taken seriously. Branchpaw knew it wouldn't be long until he finally earned his warrior name, and until that day he would work hard every single moment he could.

Branchpaw continued his hunt, keeping low to the ground and keeping all sense on high alert for prey. After prowling through LichenClan territory for a few fox-lengths, he finally spotted the mottled brown feathers of a sparrow. Birds were once his greatest weakness, but now he caught them with ease.

Branchpaw silently approached the bird, until he was just a few mouselgenths away, he charged forward and caught the mouse before it even had a chance to lift its wings. He was ready to continue his hunt until Elmheart stepped out of the undergrowth. "Foxwhisker has brought Brackenpaw back, it's time you came back as well." Elmheart mewed.

"How did I do?" Branchpaw questioned eagerly, he had caught a total of five pieces of prey during his hunt and felt incredibly proud.

"You did excellent, Brackenpaw only caught four pieces." Elmheart replied.

Branchpaw puffed out his chest. "So why don't you make me a warrior right now? I'm clearly more skilled than one."

Elmheart chuckled. "I'll make you a warrior when I feel you're ready, which is soon but you can't rush it. You will get your warrior name when you've truly earned it."

Branchpaw felt slightly disappointed, but knew that Elmheart was right. The two of them met back up with Brackenpaw and Foxwhisker after retrieving Branchpaw's prey and even the two of them were impressed with his catch.

"It's a shame that this wasn't your warrior assessment." Brackenpaw mewed with amusement in his voice. "You would have nailed it."

Branchpaw nodded. "My time will come, and I'll do even better during my own assessment."

"I have no doubt," Foxwhisker mewed. "But Brackenpaw has more than earned his warrior name, let's return to camp."

Upon returning to camp, Jumpstar held the ceremony and Brackenheart was honored as a warrior. As the sun began to fall, the full moon began to rise and LichenClan headed to the gathering hollow. Branchpaw was incredibly excited, he would get to see Poppypaw again and that's all he wanted with each passing day. During his training, Branchpaw focused on his skills but when he had time to himself, it was Poppypaw occupied his thoughts.

They reached the gathering hollow and Branchpaw's eyes scanned the hollow for any sign of the SunClan apprentice, however he couldn't spot her cream fur anywhere among the warriors and apprentices. Feeling somewhat disappointed, Branchpaw sat down beside Elmheart and listened idly to the leader's share their news.

When the news was finally over Branchpaw found himself talking to Crowpaw of AshClan, he was a fun cat to talk to but he was still pretty young and Branchpaw would prefer to talk to Poppypaw, but at least talking to Crowpaw would pass the time. "How's it going, Branchpaw?" Crowpaw greeted upon approaching him.

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