Poppyfur's Betrayal -Chapter 10-

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Poppyfur stared blankly at the floor of her den. It had never felt so empty, she missed Honeywing's voice. She was alone in it now, nothing but her thoughts which tore her apart. It had been a quarter moon since the battle and Poppyfur still felt the painful ache of Honeywing's death. She barely slept, all she could see was Honeywing's terrified eyes as Branchfur killed her. Every night Poppyfur had wished that Branchfur had killed her instead, it would have been much less painful. This is what he wanted. Poppyfur knew this, he wanted her to suffer.

Sometimes Poppyfur could still hear Honeywing's voice, telling her to clean up the messy herbs or to organize their nests. She would give anything to hear it for real. In the darkness, she saws Branchfur's betrayed eyes. She could never escape that night, it haunted her at every turn. Poppyfur was losing herself, and she didn't know how to find her way back.

She acted like she was holding on, but at night she tossed and turned and wailed in her sleep as she relived Honeywing's death over and over again. Poppyfur couldn't eat, she couldn't even breathe half the time. The rest of the Clan was recovering, Flowerpelt had been made deputy and Poppyfur was glad for that. Flowerpelt would be a good leader.

Coughs were starting to spread and Poppyfur had to find the strength to heal them, but she couldn't find it. She couldn't find anything, she couldn't figure out to force herself up in the morning. Guilt destroyed her from the inside, and her heart never stopped aching. I don't think this will ever go away.

She made her rounds in camp, giving tansy to Briarheart who had the worst cough. She would have to move him to her den here soon, to stop the spread. A few other cats like Flintstripe and Crowfur had small coughs but nothing major yet. She would continue to give them herbs.

Poppyfur did her best to focus on her tasks, but it was so hard when all she wanted to do was run away. SunClan deserves a better medicine cat. Poppyfur was convinced that she wasn't what SunClan needed. They deserve Honeywing, and I got her killed. Pain ripped through her entire body once more. She was starting to wonder if it was physical or all in her head, she didn't really care. She had no herbs to fix the pain she felt, and she didn't know if she would even if she did. I deserve this pain. This is all my fault.

Poppyfur stepped into her den after a long day of treating the wounds her Clanmates still bore from the battle. As she stepped into the dark den, she heard Honeywing's laugh. Poppyfur stopped walking, wincing at the sound. I'm going mad! Poppyfur shook her head, once again the scene played out in her head. StarClan! Help me, end this pain, please! She wailed in her head.

Poppyfur opened her eyes slowly. "StarClan..." She muttered. Poppyfur looked towards the sky, it was slowly starting to dim. "I need to see her." Poppyfur said under her breath. "I have to tell her I'm sorry!"

Without thinking, Poppyfur began swiftly walking away from her den. She left camp without telling any cat where she was going. Once she was away from camp, Poppyfur broke into a sprint. She actively avoided the spot where Honeywing was killed, racing towards the MoonClan border.

Not caring for her own safety, Poppyfur ran across the branch bridge to MoonClan territory. She stayed on the shore as per the agreement, but didn't bother wait for a patrol. By the time she reached the border for the Spirit Woods the moon was taking over the sky. Poppyfur ran as fast as she could.

Her legs ached and her legs burned from running this entire way, but she couldn't stop. Please talk to me, Honeywing. Poppyfur pleaded to StarClan. Please don't shut me out! The Spirit Tree rose in the distance and Poppyfur slowed to a quick paced walk. She slipped into the darkness of the Spirit Tree, feeling sick to her stomach.

Poppyfur started to lose balance as she walked, her legs felt weak. Her chest burned and Poppyfur stumbled into the cavern. The Moonstone shimmered before her eyes. "Honeywing..." She breathed out her mentors name before collapsing. Poppyfur couldn't continue any further, she didn't have the energy. Before the Moonstone, Poppyfur slipped into blackness.

Poppyfur opened her eyes, she was in the gathering hollow. Poppyfur began to spin around, looking for Honeywing. "Honeywing! Please! Please talk to me! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Poppyfur stopped, her legs giving out once more. "I'm so, so sorry." She whimpered.

"You did nothing wrong, Poppyfur." A sweet voice filled Poppyfur's ears, she looked up and saw Honeywing standing a few taillengths away. Her golden pelt shined brighter than ever before. Stars filled her coat and her eyes were filled with pain and love for Poppyfur. "It's not your fault that I'm dead."

"But it is!" Poppyfur cried. "If I would have never fallen in love with Branchfur this never would've happened!"

"You didn't make Branchfur the way he was. Branchfur is a very troubled cat, he is confused. Heartbreak can't make a cat into a killer, he was born that way. Something else would've brought this out eventually." Honeywing sat down, staring up at the sky. "It's so peaceful in StarClan."

"Honeywing--" Poppyfur whimpered, feeling so broken. "I can't get rid of this guilt...this is all my fault." Her body trembled. "I can't go on like this! It hurts so much!"

"I know it does." Honeywing walked up to Poppyfur, resting her tail on her shoulders. "The hardest thing I've ever done is watch you suffer. I haven't been able to do anything to help, but Poppyfur," Poppyfur looked up at her mentor. "Starving yourself and not sleeping can't bring me back. Nothing can, I am dead." Poppyfur looked back towards the ground, pain ripping through her body. "But you are alive. You are SunClan's medicine cat and they need you now more than ever. They're struggling, and they need their medicine cat."

"But how can I be a medicine cat if all I can think about is how I got you killed." Poppyfur said quietly.

Honeywing sighed sadly. "Oh, Poppyfur. I know I will never be able to fix this, I know you'll always blame yourself." Poppyfur closed her eyes. "But even though I can't fix this, I need you to promise me something."

Poppyfur finally looked back at Honeywing. "What is it?"

"Focus on SunClan, if you feel guilty then make it up to me by being the best medicine cat you can be. Use your training, use what I taught you and heal SunClan. Help SunClan, Flowerpelt will need your guidance in the future and she needs you. Just as you think you need me, SunClan needs you." Poppyfur stared at Honeywing. "I will always be with you, I will see you on the half-moon and when you need me. I am always here to guide you, but you need to guide SunClan in the living world. Promise me that you will serve SunClan the best you can."

"I promise, Honeywing." Poppyfur spoke. They held green gazes for a long time. "I promise."

Honeywing's eyes were overflowing with love. "Thank you, Poppyfur. Rest tonight, and tomorrow return to your Clan. I will always be watching over you, I will never let you down."

Poppyfur fell against Honeywing. "I don't want to leave you." She cried into Honeywing's pelt.

"It's only for now, I'll be your guide, Poppyfur. Forever." Poppyfur closed her eyes and enjoyed this moment with Honeywing, the one cat who never gave up on her. Honeywing, who always believed in her and encouraged her to be the best she can be. I will keep your promise, Honeywing. I will live every day of my life to make you proud. I promise.

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