Branchfur's Code -Chapter 2-

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"What did I tell you about catching birds?" Elmheart questioned with a stern, burning look in his amber eyes.

"To get close to them," Branchpaw replied, recalling his earlier lesson of catching birds. "So they can't fly away when you pounce."

"And what did you do wrong there?" Elmheart asked with a flick of his tail.

"I didn't get close enough, and I lost the catch." Branchpaw answered, refusing to let his shame show. He had completely missed on catching a sparrow and had to face Elmheart's lecture.

"One bird could be the difference between life and death in leaf-bare." Elmheart reminded Branchpaw sternly. "You have to be more precise, and you have to remember the techniques I've taught you. I want you to track down another bird and catch it right this time."

Branchpaw nodded and began scenting the air, he picked up the traces of a mouse and a squirrel but he had one goal in mind. He lowered himself to the ground, creeping through LichenClan's forest. He heard the flapping of wings not too far away, he flattened his ears and kept his eyes peeled.

Through the foliage he spotted the bright ginger belly of a robin, Branchpaw moved with complete silence, making sure he didn't rustle any leaves or twigs. The robin was completely unaware of Branchfur's prescansse. Branchpaw dared himself to get closer to the bird, as close as he possibly could. He knew that Elmheart was watching and he wouldn't disappoint his mentor again.

Branchpaw cleared his mind and leapt, the bird began to take flight but Branchpaw's claws hooked into it's back and pulled it back down to the ground. He killed it with a swift bite to the next and held his head high.

"Much better." Elmheart mewed, his amber eyes lighter. "I knew you could do better than what you just did."

Branchpaw nodded, feeling pride swell inside him. He had been an apprentice for a half a moon now and he already felt stronger than he did when he was named an apprentice. He felt stronger, smarter and more powerful. He felt that he was already a competent hunter despite some mistakes, and whenever he did make a mistake, Elmheart made sure to help him correct it.

Branchpaw couldn't have asked for a better mentor, Elmheart pushed him to always be better and never went easy on him. Branchpaw would rather be bruised and battered from endless battle trainings than to be soft and scared to fight. Branchpaw was completely exhausted every single day, and his muscles would get sore but he knew that with every moment he felt pain, he was getting stronger.

"We should get back to camp," Elmheart mewed, looking up to the sky. "We have the gathering to attend to, that is if you think you should go."

"I think I should," Branchpaw spoke up, meeting Elmheart's burning gaze.

"Is that so?" Elmheart flicked his tail. "Why don't you tell me why you think you should go?"

"I've learned a lot, I'm a good hunter with only a half-moon of training and I work hard every single day." Branchpaw replied bodly, Elmheart also never let Branchpaw lose his confidence. Elmheart said that confidence was one of the strongest weapons that a warrior had.

"Hmmm..." Elmheart narrowed his eyes and for a moment Branchpaw thought he would say no, but Elmheart's gaze lightened. "I'd say you've earned it as well. We should eat before we head out though, it's going to be a long night."

Branchpaw could hear countless voices in the distance, and he saw the four mighty trees rise up from the gathering hollow. "Now," Elmheart spoke from beside Branchpaw. "Remember what I told you."

"Be friendly but don't reveal any LichenClan secrets or weaknesses. Remember that these cats will be my enemy someday." Branchpaw recited what Elmheart had told him earlier.

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