Branchfur's Code -Prologue-

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Sagefeather walked down the dark winding path into the Moonstone cavern. Her old legs ached as she moved through the tunnels. I'm getting too old for this. She thought bitterly as she stepped into the Moonstone cavern. The timeless stone shimmered with all its usual beauty, it never ceased to amazed Sagefeather even after the many seasons she had been a medicine cat.

Sagefeather glanced at her fellow medicine cats. Feathernose and Honeywing of SunClan, Skyclaw and Badgerstripe of MoonClan and Eagleclaw and Moonwhisker of AshClan. They all have apprentices, soon to succeed them. Once again Sagefeather longed to have her apprentice, Stormsong back. The she-cat stepped down, despite spending her entire life learning the ways of a medicine cat, to take a mate and have kits. Now, her belly was round with kits soon to be born any day.

Sagefeather didn't resent Stormsong in anyway, she was glad that the cat she cared so much about was happy. I will find a new apprentice in time. Sagefeather took a deep breath and layed down, tucking her legs under her chest. StarClan, please show me that another apprentice isn't far. She touched her nose to the cold surface of the Moonstone, instantly slipping into slumber.

Sagefeather wasn't in the Spirit Woods like she usually was shen dreaming with StarClan, and her mentor, Moonmask, was nowhere to be found. She searched everywhere for her white pelt, but saw nothing. She was in LichenClan's camp, just outside the nursery. Sagefeather could hear the squeaking of multiple kits, far too many for it to just be Cherrypool's kits.

Sagefeather looked inside, Brackenkit was running around playfully but his brother, Redkit was sleeping soundly beside Cherrypool. He was so unmoving that he almost looked dead, it made Sagefeather fell rather uneasy. She then turned her attention to Stormsong, the queen was sleeping and had two little brown kits at her belly.

One of them filled Sagefeather with a strong surge of hope and joy, it looked as if there was a glowing white light emanating from him. This cat is destined for great things. Sagefeather thought, then she looked at the other kits. Looking at this kit filled her with a painful, overwhelming sense of dread. Darkness radiated from this kit. But you, you are destined for darkness. What kind of darkness lies in your heart? Sagefeather wondered. StarClan is showing me this for a reason. She thought. What will these two cats do to LichenClan?

"So sorry, Sagefeather!" Stormsong apologized, running into the medicine cat den after Barkkit. "I just can't keep him out of here!"

"It's quite alright." Sagefeather purred with amusement. "I don't mind him being in here." Barkkit was four moons old and full of energy and life. His bright amber eyes gave Sagefeather hope, just as they did when Sagefeather first saw him in her dreams. "Barkkit," Her words stopped Barkkit in his tracks, he looked up at Sagefeather with eager eyes.

"Yes, Sagefeather?" He asked eagerly. He looks like an apprentice...and he listens to me. "Why are you so drawn to my den? Surely it can't be that you like spending time with old medicine cats."

"I love being around you!" Barkkit declared. "You're so smart! I want to be as smart as you! Stormsong has told me about being a medicine cat and it seems so cool! I just wanna learn about herbs, I wanna be smart and help my Clanmates like you!"

Sagefeather was flattered by the kit's kind words, she looked at Stormsong who was looking at her son with fierce love in her eyes. Figures. Sagefeather thought with amusement. My medicine cat apprentice steps down and one of her kits is inspired to take her place. "Well, Barkkit." Sagefeather purred. "It just so happens that I am in need of an apprentice. Would you like to become a medicine cat apprentice?"

"Can I really become your apprentice?" Barkkit's eyes went wide with pure joy. "Oh yes please, Sagefeather! That's all I want!" He spun around to look at Stormsong. "Can I?"

"That's your choice my son." Stormsong purred. "Sagefeather is a wonderful medicine cat and will be an incredible mentor to you, just as she was."

"I'm gonna go tell Branchkit!" Barkkit turned tail and ran out of the medicine cat den to go find his brother.

"I'm so glad he wants to be your apprentice." Stormsong mewed. "It helps with the guilt of leaving you."

"I've told you many times that I'm not angry, Stormsong." Sagefeather assured her. "You've given help in times of need, and you followed your heart just as I taught you. There's no harsh feelings, I still care about you and I'm glad your happy. If Barkkit is anything like you, he will be an incredibly quick learner."

"I know he will." Stormsong dipped her head. "Well, I should go and find those two before they get into trouble. See you later, Sagefeather!" The gray she-cat turned and left the den to rally her two kits.

Sagefeather left the den, heading towards Jumpstar's den. The leader was inside talking with Daisyfern about patrols. "Jumpstar." Sagefeather mewed. "May I come in?"

"Of course, Sagefeather." Jumpstar laughed. "You're my medicine cat, you know you don't need to ask permission."

Sagefeather nodded and stepped inside. "I thought I should let you know that Barkkit wants to become my apprentice, and that I've agreed."

"That's wonderful news!" Jumpstar's amber eyes lit up. "We were wondering when you would take another apprentice."

"I had to wait for the right cat, and Barkkit is it. I can see." Sagefeather thought about his brother, Branchkit. The kit still filled Sagefeather with dread. "Who are you choosing for Branchkit's mentor, if you don't mind me asking."

"I was thinking Elmheart, he's long overdue for a mentor. Jaggedtail is the same age as him and he's already on his second apprentice, even if Elmheart did recomend Jaggedtail for the mentoring of daughter."

Sagefeather's paws twinged with unease. Elmheart? The warrior had darkness in his heart just as Branchkit, what would his training do? Elmheart had ambition in his eyes, and Sagefeather was unsure of what he would do to achieve his goals. "Jumpstar, there's something I should tell you about."

Jumpstar and Daisyfern exchanged a confused glance. "Just a few days before Branchkit and Barkkit were born, StarClan showed me the two of them at Stormsong's belly. Barkkit radiated light and hope, but Branchkit radiated darkness and fear. That kit has darkness in his heart, and if we don't do something about then things could go very wrong."

"Sagefeather," Jumpstar lifted his tail, quieting the medicine cat. "I trust you concern, but Elmheart is a very loyal and strong warrior. If any cat could quell this so called darkness in Branchkit then I think he is the one to do it." Sagefeather remembered that Branchkit and Barkkit were Jumpstar's kin, his great-grandchildren. "And I know that you will do a great job training Barkkit, just as you did with his mother."

"Of course, Jumpstar." Sagefeather dipped her head, not wanting to fight with her leader. She turned and left the den, making sure that she would keep a close eye on Branchkit's training. I won't let him fall to darkness.

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