Branchfur's Code -Chapter 10-

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"Branchfur you need to calm down!" Barkclaw pressed. "I told you that everything is going to be fine. She's in very capable paws."

Branchfur lashed his tail. "Then why are you out here and not in there!" He demanded with a hiss. "Those are my kits being born in there!" Barkclaw sighed and pushed Branchfur away.

"The kitting process doesn't start right away and somebody had to come out here and get you to relax." Barkclaw flicked his ears. "Now I need you to stay out here while I help her, just don't come barging in." Barkclaw vanished into the darkness of the nursery while Branchfur was forced to wait outside. This is so stupid! He thought with annoyance. I should be in there with her!

As Branchfur sat down outside the nursery, he realized how similar this moment was to a dream he had moons ago. Only this time, it was in the real world. He was moments away from being a father, and it wasn't to vile she-cat that ruined his life. It had been many seasons since Branchfur killed Honeywing, and much had changed in LichenClan.

Jaggedtail had grown sick of Elmstar's reckless leadership and killed him, earning the name Jaggedstar and naming Mossleaf as his deputy. Branchfur didn't agree with Jaggedstar's choice, and silently hated Jaggedstar for killing his mentor.

After killing Honeywing, Branchfur found the motivation he needed to finally leave his nightmares of Poppyfur behind. He mentored Tigerfang and taught him in the same way that Elmstar had taught him. Now Tigerfang mentored Rowanpaw, daughter to Brackenheart and a she-cat named Rustleaf, born to Willowstrike and Foxwhisker. In his grief, Branchfur had found comfort in the warmth of Flamewhisker.

He had found himself drawn to her, but there was a part of him deep down that knew that he didn't love her the way that he loved Poppyfur long ago. He was drawn to the fact that while Poppyfur was timid and shy, Flamewhisker was fierce and brave. He wanted nothing to do with Poppyfur anymore, and he had managed to fall in love with Flamewhisker.

There were days when Branchfur questioned his love to Flamewhisker, it didn't burn as intensely as it had in the past with Poppyfur but he knew that he cared for this she-cat and right now, she was in the nursery giving birth to his kits. Branchfur would finally achieve his dream of being a father, to raise a kit to be as strong and brave as Elmstar, to follow in the leader's pawsteps. He wouldn't let these kits idolize the coward that was Jaggedstar, they would honor a true leader.

Branchfur heard the cries of Flamewhisker from outside the nursery, his pelt stood on end and he dug his claws into the earth beneath his paws. I swear if anything happens to her. Branchfur thought, he knew that his brother was trying his hardest and he trusted him to keep Flamewhisker healthy.

Branchfur sat outside the nursery until the sun began to set and Barkclaw finally came out. "Alright, Branchfur." His brother's yellow eyes shimmered with joy. "You can finally come in."

Without waiting another moment, Branchfur stepped inside the nursery. Flamewhisker was lying in her nest, looking incredibly exhausted but also incredibly proud. At her belly, two hungry kits desperately clawed for food. He noticed a light brown tom, smaller than the dark brown she-cat beside him, but just as strong and fierce.

"Wow." Branchfur breathed out at the sight of his kits, he had dreamt of this day many times. He had never seen this day like this, and he hadn't been prepared for it like he thought he would be. "They're incredible."

"Aren't they." Flamewhisker purred softly. "I know that you've always wanted to name a son after your father, and I think Timberkit will be a perfect name for our little tom."

Timberfall would be overjoyed. Branchfur thought, looking over the little Timberkit. Beside him was his sister, who also needed a name. He noticed an odd curl in her tiny tail. "How about Rootkit for the she-cat, her tail curls like a root."

"I love it." Flamewhisker nuzzled both kits, Branchfur could tell how exhausted she was.

"I'll let you get some rest." Branchfur rested his muzzle on Flamewhisker's forehead. "I'll come visit you bright and early." Branchfur felt a rush of affection towards Flamewhisker, and while it wasn't overpowering, it was certainly pleasant. He knew that Flamewhisker wouldn't break his heart and even if she did, it wouldn't hurt nearly as much as Poppyfur did.

Branchfur turned out of the nursery and found himself face to face with Foxwhisker, Flamewhisker's brother. "How are they?" He questioned, clearly worried about his sister.

"Good." Branchfur responded. "There's a tom and she-cat, they're named Timberkit and Rootkit."

"That's wonderful." Foxhisker purred loudly. "I'm happy for both you, I'm going to stop in and say hi before letting her sleep. Branchfur let him pass and moved on to the get some prey, he hadn't eaten since Flamewhisker started kitting. News of his kits spread quickly and many cats had congratulated him.

As Branchfur sat alone he couldn't help but feel the same sense of detachment he felt from his Clan that he had felt ever since Elmstar was killed. The one cat he looked up to, the one cat that he felt a connection with was gone. Branchfur didn't feel the same sense of loyalty to Jaggedstar that he did to Elmstar, not even close. Despite this, Branchfur kept his thoughts to himself and went about living his life as if he was a normal warrior.

"Hey there," At the thought of him, Jaggedstar approached Branchfur. Branchfur had gotten quite talented at hiding his dislike of Jaggedstar through the moons. "I wanted to congratulate you on your kits."

"Thanks." Branchfur replied dryly. "They're very strong and healthy." He felt as if he had said that phrase countless times since his kits were born.

"Elmstar would be proud."

Branchfur glared at Jaggedstar at the mention of Elmstar. After Elmstar's death, Jaggedstar had pleaded with the cats of LichenClan to remember him as Elmheart, the loyal and dedicated warrior, not Elmstar, the blood thirsty leader. Branchfur, however, would remember Elmstar as the cat he knew him as, strong and brave.

"Elmstar is dead." Branchfur growled. "It doesn't matter what he thinks of me."

"Is that what you think?" Jaggedstar mewed. "Elmstar is watching over you, Branchfur. He always spoke fondly of you, you know."

Branchfur sighed, wishing Jaggedstar would just leave him alone. "Look, Jaggedstar, you can tell me about how Elmstar or my parents are watching over me all you want but I just don't care. My kits are here now, they're alive and I only care what they think of me."

Jaggedstar had an uneasy glint in his amber eyes, but didn't press any further. "Very well, Branchfur." Without saying anything else, Jaggedstar turned and started walking away. Branchfur looked up at the sky, he had stopped really caring about StarClan, they never gave him anything.

They led Poppyfur to the medicine cat den which led Branchfur to getting his heart broken. Not once, in the many moons that had passed, did Branchfur regret killing Honeywing. He had seen Poppyfur at gatherings, she was different. No longer did she look like a scared kit, she looked like a damaged cat which is exactly what Branchfur wanted.

He wanted Poppyfur to hurt just as he did, and that is what he accomplished. Branchfur was able to move on, to find a mate and have some kits. That was a future that Poppyfur would never be able to have. He found a cat that could start to fill the giant crack she had left in his heart, he would raise kits to be loyal warriors and to hate the cats of SunClan.

Poppyfur would be lonely forever, she would never have a cat to love her again which is what she deserved. An old anger burned inside Branchfur, he scraped his claws against the forest floor. Poppyfur deserves nothing but pain. Branchfur breathed out, quelling the fire burning in his chest. He looked up towards the sky, the sun was falling lower in the sky and Branchfur was set to go on the dawn patrol, then spend some time with his kits.

He moved to the warrior den, curling up in his nest towards the back of the den and closed his eyes. Like many, many nights before this one. Branchfur didn't dream of anything, but as he drifted into an empty sleep, he had one final thought; He had truly gotten his revenge, and his kits were proof. I told you that you would regret hurting me, Poppyfur. 

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