Squirreltail's Darkness -Chapter 4-

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Squirreltail was sunning herself outside the warriors den, she enjoyed the warmth beating down on her red pelt. She could hear the sounds of SunClan's daily routines playing out around her. Rosewind had been a warrior for a half-moon and SunClan was beginning to fall back into the normal lifestyle they had lived before the battle against Thornstar. Squirreltail could hear Earthpaw and Mudpaw pestering Snakewhisker and Redclaw to go out and hunt, Cinderflame was sending warriors on patrol and Honeykit and Falconkit were endlessly pestering their mother.

Squirreltail purred with amusement as she heard the exhaustion in Dawnstar's voice. The kits were very young, and asked endless questions. Squirreltail struggled enough with Rosewind when she was an energetic kit, she couldn't imagine two. Especially with a kit has hot headed as Falconkit, not to mention having to balance her leader duties.

Dawnstar and her kits neared Squirreltail and she lifted her head. "Having fun?" She questioned the leader with a purr.

Dawnstar let out an exasperated laugh. "Oh, yes." Squirreltail heard a squeak from Honeykit as she stumbled over Falconkit. "I love these two but goodness, I could use a break."

"I understand." Squirreltail sympathized with her leader, before getting an idea. "You know, if you want a break to go hunt or something I could keep them company."

"Are you sure?" Squirreltail could hear the uncertainty in Dawnstar's voice, she had to fight getting defensive.

"Of course. Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't play with kits." Squirreltail mewed, keeping a slight edge to her voice.

"No, no, no." Dawnstar quickly defended herself. "It's not that at all, it's just that Falconkit can be a real pawful. He's quite energetic."

"I can handle it." Squirreltail assured her leader, feeling slightly guilty for accusing her of thinking Squirreltail couldn't handle the kits because she was blind. "I've dealt with plenty of energetic kits, I would watch Earthpaw while Fawnheart took a break."

There was a long period of hesitation from Dawnstar, but finally she spoke. "Alright, Squirreltail. I'll let you watch over my kits, I could really use a hunting session with Lionclaw. Thank you so much."

"It's not a problem at all." Squirreltail purred, she was just glad she had something to do instead of lie around camp doing nothing. "I'll make sure they are nice and worn out when you get back."

"Good luck with that." Dawnstar chuckled, then began speaking to her kits. "You're going to spend some time with Squirreltail." She told them. "I'm going to go out and hunt, if you behave I'll bring you back some juicy prey."

"Okay!" Falconkit chirped, he didn't seem to be too bothered by his mother leaving them to go hunt.

"We'll be good!" Honeykit added. "Have fun hunting!" Squirreltail purred, she loved how polite Honeykit was. She was quite different from her brother, who could stand to learn a few more manners before becoming an apprentice.

Once Dawnstar walked away, Squirreltail could tell that the kits were staring at her. "So." Falconkit mewed boldly. "You're blind, right?" Right to the point with this one. Squirreltail thought with amusement.

"I am." Squirreltail responded, crossing her front paws in front of her.

"How did it happen?" Falconkit questioned. The two of them had been too young to remember much about the fire, Squirreltail withheld a shudder as she thought about it.

"It was during the fire, a branch fell and sparks covered my face. That's why Mudpaw has burnt eartips."

"Ohhhh..." Falconkit mewed, he was silent for a second before he began asking more questions. "So, can you hunt?"

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