Poppyfur's Betrayal -Chapter 9-

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I don't know why I ever loved you. Branchfur's words had been ringing in Poppyfur's mind every waking moment since that night. It had been nearly a moon and Poppyfur had lost the broken feeling inside her heart. Every day took tremendous effort to get out of her nest and serve the Clan.

"Poppyfur," Honeywing mewed, her voice sounding strained and incredibly stressed. "How is our chervil supply?" She questioned. "We have to prepare for a lot of wounds, I have such a terrible feeling about this battle." Poppyfur stood up and looked into our herb store, the chervil was barely a few leaves.

"Not a lot." Poppyfur replied, turning back to rolling moss balls. Her feelings hadn't improved when Elmstar announced war upon SunClan and every cat in the Clan knew that LichenClan would be storming into SunClan camp any day now. You will regret this Poppyfur. Would this battle be where Branchfur got his revenge on her? She knew that Branchfur would be right by his former mentor's side as they tore into SunClan.

"Why do leaders have to be so bloodthirsty." Honeywing lashed her tail. "Who in the name of StarClan let Elmstar lead!" Honeywing had been very upset by the whole situation, especially in the depths of leafbare they didn't have the herbs to deal with injuries but Poppyfur knew they had no choice.

Poppyfur and Honeywing continued preparing herbs well into the night. Poppyfur fell into her nest, knowing sleep would avoid her. She hadn't been sleeping well at all, because everytime she closed her eyes she saw Branchfur's hateful gaze tearing into her. Whatever happens, I deserve it. Poppyfur told herself, knowing she wouldn't be able to bring herself to hurt Branchfur if he did attack her.

Poppyfur stared out into camp, they had three guards all keeping watch for LichenClan. She knew that she would hear their call long before the Clan reached them. As long as I stay in here, I should be safe. Poppyfur told herself. I will serve my Clan. That's why I turned down Branchfur, that's why I became a medicine cat. I will do what I'm supposed to do, no matter how much it hurts.

"SunClan! SunClan! LichenClan is attacking!" Poppyfur shot up out of her nest, she had just fallen asleep as she heard Sandfoot's cry from outside in the camp. Honeywing was already on her paws.

"Alright, Poppyfur." Honeywing mewed, her voice determined. "This is what our training is for, we have to do everything we can to heal our Clanmates. Keep them alive and stay brave." Poppyfur nodded and shoved her thoughts about Branchfur. My Clanmates need me at my best, and I will do everything I can do to help them.

It didn't take long for the cries of battle to fill the air as LichenClan and SunClan began fighting. Poppyfur could hear cries of pain and anger as the warriors fought violently. Poppyfur peered out into the camp, it was a bloody battle.

The first camp to come into the medicine cat den was Cloudstorm, the warrior had a deep, bloody clawmark down her side. Honeywing instantly helped her into the den and used the remaining chervil first, sealing her wound with cobwebs. Poppyfur grabbed some moss to help her but not long after Sandfoot limped inside. She had a horrible bite wound on her foreleg that was bleeding heavily.

Poppyfur sat her down and began treating the calico she-cat. Blood was pouring from the wound, she chewed up some marigold into a poultice, rubbing it into the wound which she then secured with cobweb and moss. "I can go back out now." Sandfoot mewed, her voice eager to defend your Clan.

"I don't think so." Poppyfur stopped her. "This is a deep wound, we don't want to aggravate it instantly."

"Poppyfur! Honeywing!" Poppyfur recognized the cry of Briarheart and faced the entrance. Fernsong was leaning on him, a terrible wound on her chest. Her amber eyes were glazed over.

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