Branchfur's Code -Chapter 3-

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Branchpaw's body hit the ground with a hard thud, kicking up stray leaves and dust. He felt bruises forming on his pelt, but got back on his paws to face Elmheart. "Try again." Elmheart mewed sharply. Branchpaw charged forward, going for his mentor's legs. He swiped at them, but Elmheart was faster. He twisted out the way leaned his head down, picking Branchpaw up by the scruff and tossing him a short distance.

Branchpaw grit his teeth in both pain and frustration. "I thought you were better than that, Branchpaw." Elmheart taunted from where he stood. "At this rate a kit could get a better hit on me." If you have time to scold me you have time to fight! Branchpaw thought angrily, he charged forward without waiting for Elmheart's call.

Branchpaw hissed in fury and slammed his body into Elmheart's, shoving his mentor to the ground. Elmheart was clearly caught off guard but quickly recovered. Branchpaw ducked an incoming attack from Elmheart and finally swiped at his mentor's legs, he got a good blow to the back of them and Elmheart lost his balance. Using this moment, Branchpaw placed his paws against Elmheart's side and pushed with all his might, pinning Elmheart to the ground.

When the dust settled Elmheart looked at Branchpaw with pride burning in his eyes. "Excellent." He praised and Branchpaw let him get back up. "I was wondering when you would take advantage of my scolding. In the heat of battle, any second of hesitation could mean death. You fought very well."

Elmheart's praise radiated inside Branchpaw and he held his head high. Elmheart's training had become even harder lately, Branchpaw credited it to the fact that half a moon ago there had been a battle with AshClan that caused the death of Redpaw. The battle had begun due to Elmheart picking a fight with a warrior named Riverstorm. Since that day, Elmheart had seemed somewhat stressed, like something was eating at him. Branchpaw didn't know what it was, but he did know that it caused an argument between Jaggedtail and Elmheart.

Jaggedtail and Cherrypool were still in mourning over their son, so Branchpaw supposed he understood what was going on between them and he knew in time that Jaggedtail's and Elmheart's friendship would be just as strong as it used to be. After the battle, Elmheart's own kit, Mossleaf had become a warrior. Now it was just Branchpaw and Brackenpaw in the apprentice den and it felt strange.

"Branchpaw," Elmheart spoke up once again, his tone turning serious. "You've been an apprentice for nearly two moons now and I'm incredibly impressed with the progress you've made. During the battle against AshClan you should great strength and bravery, and I'm proud to see how far you've come." Branchpaw was nearly overwhelmed by Elmstar's praise. "If I would've had a son, I would want him to be just like you. Dedicated, eager and always working hard. You face every challenge I throw at you and come out on top each time."

Branchpaw wasn't sure where this was coming from but he felt incredibly honored, everytime he trained his one goal was to make Elmheart proud, if his mentor was proud then he knew that the rest of his family would be proud. Timberfall would make constant remarks on how strong Branchpaw was, how skilled he was. "Thank you, Elmheart." Branchpaw bowed his head in respect. "It's been an honor being your apprentice."

"The reason I bring this up is because every single warrior can fight and hunt, but it takes a true warrior to dedicate their entire life to their Clan, to fight for every cat that calls LichenClan home. From the kits, to the elders, to our leader. Loyalty is a the most powerful trait that a Clan cat can have. When my father left, I began to realize that more than anything."

Branchpaw blinked, Elmheart rarely mentioned his father. Branchpaw had never met him, but Rowanfang was a LichenClan warrior who never wanted kits. Elmheart's younger sister, Robinkit, died when she was just a kit and Rowanfang blamed their mother, Mosswing for having kits in the middle of leaf-bare. After the death of Blacksky, Rowanfang left LichenClan to become a kittypet, turning his back on the warrior code.

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