Poppyfur's Betrayal -Chapter 2-

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Poppypaw trudged her paws through the territory as she walked back to camp with Brightclaw. Another failed day of hunting. She thought bitterly. Poppypaw had been an apprentice for almost two moons and she had caught a total of four measly mice. Lakepaw was already turning out to be a skilled hunter. Poppypaw hated hunting and she hated battle training, she always left feeling bruised. The other apprentices were too competitive, always talking about being the best.

Poppypaw had to withhold her annoyance with the other apprentices, including her sister. Lakepaw had quickly fallen in with the rest of them, all they cared about was hunting and fighting, not thinking there might be more. Poppypaw dragged her tail through the leaves as they reached SunClan camp.

"Go get something to eat." Brightclaw instructed. "You're going to the gathering tonight."

"Really?" Poppypaw looked up at her mentor with confusion. He's really going to send the worst apprentice in SunClan to the gathering?

"Yes." Brightclaw nodded. "I know you're struggling, so I'm hoping that getting to meet other apprentices will inspire you, perhaps you could learn a thing or to."

Oh. Poppypaw dropped her ears. "Alright." She said sourly and padded to the fresh-kill pile. She picked off a small mouse and sat alone outside the apprentice den, slowly picking at her prey. She didn't want to go to the gathering, she wanted to stay in her den and sleep. What's the point of me going to a gathering? I won't be talking to any other apprentices. She would probably sit alone while she listened to the leaders talk. She hadn't gone to the last gathering, but Lakepaw had.

Lakepaw had carried on and on about how fun and excited the gathering was, but Poppypaw had no interest. What's wrong with me? She questioned, her heart aching. Why can't I be like all the other apprentices? Why can't I do anything? She sighed and finished off her prey with a few forced bites. She looked towards the camp's entrance as Lakepaw headed out on patrol, her tail and head high with bright eyes. At least she's happy. Poppypaw thought, glad that her sister was doing better than she was.

Poppyfur moved her attention to the medicine cat den where Honeywing was setting leaves out in the sun to dry. The medicine cat looked so at peace, her green eyes were distant, thinking of something else, but the she-cat looked happy. Her golden pelt glowed in the fading sunlight.

Honeywing always looks so peaceful. Poppypaw thought. Must be nice. She looked at her paws. Medicine cats get to focus on herbs and healing, they don't have to fight or hunt. Poppypaw turned her attention back to the medicine den. She had given thoughts about becoming a medicine cat back when she was a kit, she wanted to help cats like Honeywing did but there were already two medicine cats, Poppypaw didn't stand a chance.

Poppypaw sighed once more, jumping when she heard Brightclaw call her name. She looked towards the direction of her mentor and saw that SunClan was starting to leave for the gathering.

Poppypaw jumped up and hurried over to her mentor, shoving her thoughts about medicine cats into the back of her mind. "Is it time to go?" She questioned as she reached Brightclaw.

"It is." Brightclaw confirmed and the two of them fell in with the crowd. Lakepaw wasn't going to this gathering, which made Poppypaw nervous. Icepaw, Snowpaw and Berrypaw were going but Poppypaw didn't know them that well at all. Icepaw and Snowpaw were nearing the end of their training and would soon be made warriors and Berrypaw was much too energetic for Poppypaw to even try and keep up with.

Poppypaw walked beside Brightclaw, she thought about sticking around him the entire time but she knew he would make her go socialize with other apprentices. Owlfoot and Moonfur were going as well, but she didn't want to hang out around a bunch of warriors. I'll just find a quiet place to sit alone. Poppypaw decided, hoping her plan would work out.

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