Squirreltail's Darkness -Chapter 3-

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SunClan was tattered and afraid. They still bore the wounds of the terrible battle that had taken place just two days before. Squirreltail knew that SunClan was safe now, but the fear of Thornstar was still fresh in every single cat's mind. The dark tom was defeated, and Dawnstar led her Clan to victory but there were many wounds, and not all could be healed by herbs. Many cats had died, and SunClan warriors were no exception.

Stormwind, Willownose and Rustpelt's bodies had all be discovered after the battle. Squirreltail felt her father's death dig into her heart like a thorn. She wanted nothing more than to be a kit again, attacking his tail alongside Redclaw. The death of Hawktalon had also shaken her to her core, when Thornstar's rogues had invaded MoonClan camp, Squirreltail had felt so helpless.

All she could do was cower with the kits and pray to StarClan that they wouldn't be injured. She wished she would've done more, Hawktalon was just as blind as she was and not as young. Yet he fought like a true warrior despite his blindness, losing his life in the process. Nightwing hadn't left the elder's den since his death, every single cat in SunClan knew that the old she-cat was feeling a pain that the rest of them couldn't even imagine.

If I would've fought alongside Hawktalon...maybe he would've lived. Guilt clawed deep into her belly, her heart ached for all the cats lost to this battle. However, tonight was not a night to be sad, it was a time to honor the dead and make changes to the forest. The Clans would be meeting tonight, new warriors would be announced and AshClan would reveal their new leader.

"Are you ready?" Squirreltail heard Brackenpelt's voice. "Dawnstar is gathering the Clan to leave."

Squirreltail nodded and stood up, her legs aching. She felt much weaker these days, she hadn't hunted, fought or even patrolled the territory in moons. She knew she was losing all the muscle and strength that she had built up since she was an apprentice. She hated that fact, but there was nothing she could do to change it.

Squirreltail heard heavy pawsteps as a cat bounded up to her and Brackenpelt. "Guess what?" Squirreltail recognized the eager voice of her daughter. "Dawnstar is going to make me a warrior tonight!"

Squirreltail felt a rush of pride swarm her entire body. "That's wonderful." She purred, stepping forward until her muzzle met Rosepaw's fur. "You've earned it, I heard you fought like a true warrior during the battle."

"She did." Brackenpelt mewed proudly, wrapping his tail around Squirreltail's shoulders. "She protected Puddlepaw during the battle after she was injured."

Squirreltail felt like she finally had something to celebrate, her daughter was finally becoming a warrior and Squirreltail knew she would be incredible. Please, Rosepaw. Make up for all the work that your mother can't do.

"We should get going." Brackenpelt mewed, using his tail to nudge Squirreltail forward. She knew her way out of the camp but she would follow him regardless, she didn't like to argue even if she really wanted to .

SunClan made their way to the gathering hollow in good time, but the moment they stepped into the hollow the scent of dried blood flooded Squirreltail's nose. She could smell the scent of death, the lingering taste of the cats who had lost their lives in such a cruel battle. From the lack of voices Squirreltail heard, she could tell that SunClan were the first cats to arrive. Though it wasn't long until Squirreltail could hear and scent the cats of MoonClan, Shadowstar's deep voice was hard to miss.

As MoonClan arrived, Squirreltail settled down in the hollow. She sat beside Brackenpelt and pressed against her mate, listening to the voices around her. She heard cats talking about the battle, what they had seen and what they had lost. Soon enough, LichenClan arrived with Jaggedstar and AshClan followed close behind. Now the hollow was filled with the sound of voices, cats eager to hear the news; mostly about AshClan.

Squirreltail listened intently as Dawnstar suggested the Clans begin and that AshClan take the lead. "Very well," Riverstar spoke, her voice loud but with some wavering confidence hidden within. "With the agreement of several warriors in the Clan, it was decided that I become AshClan's new leader. I journeyed to the Moonstone last night."

"Riverstar! Riverstar! Riverstar!" Cheers rang out, welcoming the new AshClan leader. Squirreltail felt hope for the Clan, Riverstar was prideful but Squirreltail was sure that she would lead AshClan down a bright path, brining a new horizon for her Clan. Riverstar went on to name Ashblaze as her deputy, and announce that Skyfeather had stepped up to become AshClan's new medicine cat. She concluded her announcements by naming Lilyclaw's other two kits as warriors, Ravensong and Puddleclaw.

Next was Dawnstar with the news of SunClan and Squirreltail could barely sit still. She couldn't wait to hear her daughter's ceremony, she felt more excited now than she did at her own warrior ceremony. Being a mother does strange things to a cat. Squirreltail thought with amusement. She had to force herself to sit still as Dawnstar began to speak.

"To start this off I would like to name three new warriors; all three fought hard in the battle and I couldn't think of any better warriors to have in SunClan. Rosepaw, Cherrypaw and Briarpaw step forward." Rosepaw had been sitting beside Squirreltail and she brushed her tail across her mother's shoulder as she stepped to join her Clanmates. "Do you three promise to uphold the warrior code and defend the Clan, even at the cost of your lives?"

"I do." Rosepaw was the first to speak, and the pride and ferocity in her voice made Squirreltail's heart swell. She had never felt more proud, her beloved daughter was finally earning her warrior name; something Squirreltail had dreamed of since giving birth to her only kit.

Cherrypaw and Briarpaw both gave their own "I do"s and Squirreltail couldn't doubt their certainty as well. They were kin to Squirreltail after all, and they had fought hard to escape the violent claws of their father. SunClan is stronger now. Squirreltail thought proudly.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names. From this day forward you will be known as Rosewind, Cherryleaf and Briarrose. SunClan welcomes you all as full warriors and commends your loyalty and bravery."

"Rosewind! Cherryleaf! Briarrose!" The Clans cheered the newest warriors, and Squirreltail made sure that her voice would be heard above all others. Rosewind. She held her daughter's new name in her mind. Perfect and beautiful. Just like her.

Squirreltail wanted to race up and swarm her daughter, but she had to wait until the rest of the Clans shared their news. It wasn't a typical warrior ceremony, they had been named in front of all four Clans. Rosewind rushed over to Squirreltail and Brackenpelt and as soon as she was close enough, Squirreltail buried her nose into Rosewind's shoulder. "I'm so proud of you." She whispered. I just wish I could see the look on her face.

SunClan didn't return from the gathering until late into the night, Squirreltail returned home incredibly exhausted but she finally had a moment to express her joy to Rosewind. "I'm so proud of you." She purred. "You've earned this." She nuzzled her daughter once more.

"Thank you." Rosewind purred, her voice clearly overwhelmed with emotion.

"How does it feel?" Brackenpelt questioned. "Pretty good, right?"

"Yes." Rosewind had a sharp energy to her voice. "I've been wanting this for so long, and I'm so glad that I was able to share it with Cherryleaf and Briarrose. I was worried I would have to have it alone."

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you any siblings." Squirreltail mewed playfully.

"I took up too much room." Rosewind laughed. "Plus, I don't think I would want to share your love."

Squirreltail felt warmth throughout her entire body, how did she get so lucky? She had such an incredible daughter. "I don't think I could love any cat as much as I love the two of you."

"Well," Brackenpelt said with a hefty yawn. "I believe you have a vigil to get to."

Rosewind groaned. "Don't remind me." Squirreltail she really wasn't upset, but vigils weren't the most exciting thing in the world.

"You'll be fine." Squirreltail touched her nose to Rosewind's cheek. "Now get to it, tomorrow you'll be sharing a den with us."

Squirreltail and Brackenpelt left Rosewind to prepare for her vigil along with Cherryleaf and Brirarrose and stepped into the warrior den to sleep the night away. As Squirreltail curled up beside her mate, she began to realize something. Despite all the darkness she and her Clan had been facing, there was still light to find.

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