Branchfur's Code -Chapter 1-

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"Got you!" Branchkit announced once he landed on his brother's back. Barkkit let out a squeak of alarm and scrambled out from underneath Branchkit, he looked at the bigger kit with intense annoyance in his amber eyes.

"Branchkit, I'm trying to study my herbs!" He complained. Branchkit rolled his eyes, wishing his brother wasn't so uptight.

"You're not even an apprentice yet, you'll have plenty of time to learn about flowers once you are actually an apprentice."

"We're becoming apprentices in two days." Barkkit reminded Branchkit, lashing his tiny brown tail.

"Which is why," Branchkit circled around Barkkit, the kit had some small golden petals at his paws. "We need to play now. Once we become apprentices I'll hardly get to do anything with you."

Barkkit sighed. "Why don't you play with Redkit or Brackenkit?" Barkkit didn't look up from his flower.

"Jaggedtail took them out to play." Branchkit snorted. "Wish Timberfall would do that with us." He sat down with an angry huff.

"Timberfall is a busy warrior." Barkkit mewed. "If I play a quick game with you, will you let me study this?"

Branchkit jumped up to his paws. "You know it!" He proclaimed happily.

"Fine, what do you want to play?" Branchkit looked around for a moment before spotting a small stone in the corner of the nursery. He trotted proudly over to the stone and tossed it towards Barkkit.

"We'll play with this, if I hit it to the wall behind you I win if you hit it to the wall behind me, you win!" Branchkit explained. "It's easy." Barkkit didn't look as enthused as Branchkit felt, but Branchkit was just happy to be doing something.

The two brothers put the stone in the middle of the two of them and braced to go for it. "Now!" Branchkit called and dashed forward, Barkkit was faster than him and his paws hit the pebble. It began skidding past Branchkit but he stopped it with his hind leg. He kicked it forward and Barkkit stopped it with his forepaws and pushed it forward, it almost went past Branchkit again but he sent it flying back.

The kits kept playing their game for a long time, neither scoring a goal but Branchkit was having a blast. He could tell that the longer the game went on, Barkkit was having fun too. His yellow eyes were focused on the stone and he never let it past. Branchkit dived towards the stone as it soared towards him, he batted at it with a mighty swing of his paw and the stone skipped past Barkkit. Barkkit dashed for the stone but wasn't fast enough, it hit the back wall of the nursery and Branchkit claimed victory.

"Good job." Barkkit purred. "And I guess you were right, that was fun."

"Told you!' Branchkit laughed, still buzzing from his win. He sat down and looked out the nursery entrance. "I can't believe we're almost apprentices."

"Me neither." Barkkit mewed, sitting down beside his brother.

"Are you excited about becoming a medicine cat?" Branchkit asked curiously.

"I am, it may not seem exciting to others but it's all I can think about." Branchkit really couldn't see the appeal, but he was glad that Barkkit was happy. Branchkit closed his eyes, just wishing for his apprentice ceremony to come.

Branchkit wanted to shove Barkkit forward, but he knew that Stormsong wouldn't approve of his actions. She always told him that warriors carry themselves with composure, so he kept his paws to himself and held his head high. The Clan was beginning to gather in front of the High Stump. On top of the stump sat Jumpstar, his golden brown fur was shining the sunhigh rays. Beside the stump was the pale gray she-cat, Daisyfern. She was the deputy of LichenClan and Branchkit's grandmother, she watched the ceremony with pride.

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