Poppyfur's Betrayal Allegiances

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LEADER            Foxstar -Ginger tom with white paws

DEPUTY            Mallownose- Pale gray she-cat

MEDICINE CATS         Feathernose - Soft silver tabby tom

                                         Honeywing- Golden she-cat with green eyes

WARRIORS (toms and she-cats without kits)

Hawktalon- Brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Windpaw

Falconclaw- Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Owlfoot- Pale brown tom with darker paws

Marshpelt- Dark brown she-cat with green eyes

Leafwhisker- brown she-cat with green eyes

Brightclaw- Golden tom with green eyes

Rockfall- Gray tom with amber eyes

Alderfang - Ginger tom with green eyes

Rowanfall - Dark brown she-cat with green eyes

Briarheart - Brown tom with green eyes

Flintstripe - Dark gray tabby tom with green eyes

Tallfern - Black, white and gray she-cat with blue eyes

Fernsong - Golden brown she-cat with amber eyes

Frostclaw - White she-cat with pale green eyes

Jayflight - Silver tabby tom with amber eyes

Sunstream- Golden she-cat with green eyes

Sandfoot- Tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes and light ginger paws

Applespots- Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes

Cloudwind-White she-cat with blue eyes

Slateclaw- Black tom with amber eyes

Flowerpelt - Pale gray she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Icepaw

Stormwind - Gray she-cat with silver paws and blue eyes
Apprentice, Snowpaw

Tigertail- Pale tabby tom with a black striped tail and amber eyes

Bramblepelt- Brown tabby tom with green eyes

Thornpelt - Pale tabby tom with amber eyes

Rainears - Black she-cat with white ears and blue eyes

Crowfur - Black she-cat with amber eyes

Rustpelt - Ginger tom with amber eyes

Barkfang - Dark brown tom with amber eyes

Snakewhisker - Gray tom with long whiskers and green eyes

Willownose - Thin, light brown she-cat with green eyes

APPRENTICES (six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Icepaw- White she-cat with blue eyes

Snowpaw - Long haired white she-cat with blue eyes

Windpaw - Light brown she-cat with green eyes

Berrypaw - Speckled brown she-cat with green eyes

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