Poppyfur's Betrayal -Chapter 4-

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"What do we use these for?" Honeywing questioned, nudging a pale pink flower towards Poppypaw. She lowered her head and gave the herbs a sniff, it a sweet, rosy fragrance.

"That's mallow, and we don't use the flower we use the leaves. It cures bellyache if eaten." Poppypaw felt confident in her answer.

"Good job." Honeywing purred, filling Poppypaw with confidence. "Now," Honeywing pushed forward a collection of herbs. Poppypaw recognized burnet, chamomile, daisy and sorrel. Those are travelling herbs. "What are these used for."

"They're travelling herbs. Burnet and chamomile give strength. Sorrel helps appetite and daisy leaves help aches." Poppypaw relayed the information.

"Wonderful." Honeywing purred kindly. "Now, do you know why I'm showing you these herbs in particular."

"Ummm." Poppypaw thought, staring down at the herbs. "No?"

"SunClan cats rarely travel beyond our borders, but one thing that travelling herbs are used for is for cats going to the moonstone."

"Are some of the apprentices going to the moonstone?" Poppypaw thought, wondering who it was. She hadn't gone herself yet, she had been a medicine cat apprentice for about half a moon. Poppypaw stopped thoughts. Wait. She flicked her tail, she looked at Honeywing whose eyes shimmer with amusement. "Am I going to the moonstone? Is tonight the half-moon?"

"You are, and it is." Honeywing said, waving her tail. "We should head out soon, and you'll be meeting the other medicine cats as well." Poppypaw felt excitement race through her entire body.

This past half-moon had been the greatest of her entire life, learning herbs was everything she had ever wanted. She studied all day and night, wanting to learn as much as she possibly could. It came so natural to her, where hunting and fighting didn't. I love what I'm doing, and that's all I ever wanted.

"There's Skyclaw and Badgerstripe." Honeywing mewed as they crossed the river into MoonClan territory. "They're MoonClan's medicine cats." Poppypaw looked deeper into MoonClan territory where she saw two tom cats standing. One of was an elderly gray tom with piercing yellow eyes, the other was a black tom with a white stripe across his back. He really does look like a badger. Poppypaw thought.

"Hello, Honeywing." Skyclaw greeted, resting his yellow eyes on Poppypaw. "Who is this?"

"This is my new apprentice, Poppypaw." Honeywing explained. "She started as a warrior apprentice, but wanted to be a medicine cat."

"What made you change your mind?" Badgerstripe questioned curiously.

"I wasn't doing good as a warrior apprentice, hunting isn't what my paws were made for." She informed. "They were made for healing."

"I suppose that's a perfect reason." Skyclaw purred. "We should continue though, my old bones can only stand still for so long." The four medicine cats continued onward until they reached a smaller stream that they crossed with ease.

"Hello there." An old voice mewed and Poppypaw recognized Sagefeather of Barkpaw, LichenClan's medicine cats. "Oh?" Sagefeather stopped when she saw Poppypaw. "Did you take on an apprentice, Honeywing? That's very soon, especially after Feathernose's death." Poppypaw tensed slightly, her pelt burning.

"I know, but Poppypaw wanted nothing more than to be a medicine cat. Who am I to keep her from her destiny?" Honeywing looked at Poppypaw with loving eyes, and Poppypaw felt the same way.

"I never said there was anything wrong with it, Poppypaw seems like she'll make a wonderful apprentice. I can tell." Poppypaw went from tense to feeling warmed by Sagefeather's words. Eagleclaw and Moonwhisker of AshClan eventually caught up and they trekked through the Spirit Woods.

The moonlight reflected off the trees' white bark, making them appear to glow. Poppypaw swore she could hear whispers around her, it made her fur stand on end. This place is kind of creepy. She thought, ducking her head slightly. "This is the Spirit Tree." Honeywing mewed once they approached the biggest tree in the woods. "Inside the cavern is the moonstone, before the moonstone I will hold a ceremony."

"A ceremony?" Poppypaw echoed, confused. "I already had my apprentice ceremony."

"You've been accepted as medicine cat in the eyes of SunClan, this ceremony will mark you a medicine cat apprentice in the eyes of StarClan. This is your true ceremony, the one that will prove to StarClan you are ready."

Poppypaw's paws began to tremble. "Okay." Was all she could choke out as she followed the other medicine cats down the tunnel into pure darkness. Poppypaw had never seen such darkness, she stuck close to the scent of Honeywing but all she could hear was the pawsteps of the other medicine cats.

Eventually, Poppypaw saw a bright light. At the end of the tunnel Poppypaw saw a bright, shimmering stone that took her breath away. The Moonstone. She thought, her jaw dropping slightly. I've never seen anything more beautiful. Honeywing stepped in front of Poppypaw and the stone, the light turning her pelt to silver. Poppypaw had never seen such a serious look in Honeywing's eyes.

"Poppypaw," Honeywing spoke, her voice echoing throughout the dark cavern. "Is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?"

"It is." Poppypaw replied, she stared at the stone eager to see what secrets it held.

"Then come forward." Poppypaw stepped forward, each of the other medicine cats watching her movements. "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her Clan in accordance with your will." Honeywing stepped out of the way, leaving Poppypaw to face the Moonstone. "Touch your nose to the stone's surface and share dreams with StarClan."

Poppypaw moved closer to the stone, she took a deep, shaky breath and touched her nose to the sparkling surface. It was could to the touch, a chill filled Poppypaw's entire body and she slipped into a comforting darkness.

Poppypaw opened her eyes, finding that she was no longer in the Moonstone cavern, but in the gathering hollow. She had never seen it so empty before. Why am I here? Poppypaw stood up and looked around, catching the flash of a silver pelt. She looked towards the figure and recognized it as Feathernose. Poppypaw's heart twisted slightly. What would he say?

"Feathernose?" Poppypaw spoke first.

Feathernose looked over his shoulder, his blue eyes gentle and filled with starlight. The old medicine cat stood up and faced Poppypaw. "Welcome, Poppypaw." He mewed. "The Moonstone sure is an experience unlike any other, isn't it."

Poppypaw nodded. "Feathernose I--I know I wished to be a medicine cat, but I never--"

Feathernose raised his tail, silencing Poppypaw. "That's not something you could have controlled." He looked up towards the sky. "Everything happens for a reason, Poppypaw. My reason for dying was so that you could become a medicine cat apprentice. When Honeywing dies, and even when you die there will be a reason behind it. The reason may not always be clear, but it will be there." Feathernose looked deep into Poppypaw's eyes. "And that's why, each choice you make needs to be thought out. It may seem exciting to make reckless choices, but you can't always trust your heart."

"What do you mean?" Poppypaw mewed. "I thought I was supposed to follow my heart, that's what Honeywing said."

"You can follow your heart, but sometimes pain and heartbreak can lead you astray. Use your head to guide your heart, and your heart to help your head. You need both." Feathernose turned away. "You'll learn what I mean as you grow, but for now, return to SunClan. Learn herbs and heal your Clanmates, live the life you've always wanted."

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