Squirreltail's Darkness -Chapter 8-

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Squirreltail had to force herself to eat the prey at her paws. Her kits were hungry but she wasn't, but they came first. She ate each bite of the mouse before discard the remains and flopping down in her nest. Her belly was so round, any day now the kits would be coming. She was excited to meet her kits, but her excitement was quickly overrun by the depression that had taken over her life. Ever since Nightwing's death a half-moon ago, Squirreltail hadn't been able to return to a stable sense of happiness. The elder's death was still fresh in her mind, and had riled up all of her fears for her kits.

She worried about them not being born healthy, or something happening to them while they were young. Then there was the constant ache of knowing she would never be able to see them, after all that happened; the only thing she wanted to see her kits happy and healthy, but that would never happen.

Squirreltail had spent several nights in the elder's den with her mother, but as her belly grew bigger she found it harder and harder. She would toss and turn most nights, keeping her mother awake. She felt guilty so she returned to the empty nursery. Squirreltail closed her eyes, focusing on the movement in her belly. She was certain one kit in particular was very rowdy.

She found herself talking a short nap, waking up just after sunhigh. It was voices outside of the nursery that how roused her. She struggled to sit up and listen, it sounded like Adderstrike, Pebblestep and Icepetal. What's going on? She wondered. Eventually, the three cats made their way to the nursery.

"Good afternoon, Squirreltail." Pebblestep greeted. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I have a belly full of kits." Squirreltail mewed, she hadn't told a single cat about the depression that was storming inside of her.

"You're not alone in that anymore." Icepetal mewed excitedly. "I'm expecting Adderstrike's kits."

For once, Squirreltail felt a spark of joy. "That's incredible!" She purred loudly. "Congratulations you two."

"You may have to help me out." Icepetal mewed sheepishly. "I have no idea what to do."

"It's easy, well--you don't have to do much. The kits will grow inside you and you just need to feed them and keep them safe. They do most of the work."

"That's good to know." Icepetal sighed with relief.

"We will get you a nice, cozy nest in here." Pebblestep assured the new queen. "And I know Squirreltail will make you feel welcome."

"Of course." Squirreltail purred. As Pebblestep promised, Earthpaw, Mudpaw and Adderstrike built a nest for Icepetal in the nursery. Squirreltail was actually grateful to have another cat in here with here.

"So what's like it, having a belly full of kits like that?" Icepetal questioned, Squirreltail was sure she would be asking a lot of them.

"It's kind of uncomfortable. I find the most comfort when lying down, and they like to move and kick a lot." Squirreltail explained.

"How many do you think you'll have?" Icepetal inquired.

"Pebblestep thinks three or four." Squirreltail answered. "It was hard enough having one I don't know how three will go."

"I'm so excited to have mine." Icepetal mewed, shifting in her nest. "I can't wait to see their cute little faces! It will probably be the best day of my life." Squirreltail's heart twisted. I won't get that. She was forced to remind herself, she went quiet and stared at her paws. "Oh," Icepetal's voice lowered. "I'm sorry, Squirreltail. I know it must be hard."

No! You don't know! Squirreltail's claws flexed into the bracken of her nest. She forced herself to calm down. Relax, you're not mad at her. She's allowed to be happy to see her kits. "No, it's fine, Icepetal." She sighed. "It's just something I'm struggling to come to terms with."

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